8. Congress calls for higher federal pay raise By Brian Friel

Federal workers should get a 4.6 percent average pay raise next year rather 
than President Bush's proposed 3.6 percent raise, lawmakers said late 
Thursday night. House and Senate negotiators released a fiscal 2002 budget 
resolution that includes language calling for the higher raise. The 
language in the budget resolution is not binding, so the President or 
Congress will have to take additional action to put the higher increase in 
federal workers' hands next January. "Members of the uniformed services and 
civilian employees of the United States make significant contributions to 
the general welfare of the nation," the resolution said. "Increases in the 
pay of members of the uniformed services and of civilian employees of the 
United States have not kept pace with increases in the overall pay levels 
of workers in the private sector, so that there now exists a 32 percent gap 
between compensation levels of federal civilian employees and compensation 
levels of private sector workers; and an estimated 10 percent gap between 
compensation levels of members of the uniformed services and compensation 
levels of private sector workers." Full story:


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