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#    May 23, 2001
#    In Digital Age, U.S. Spy Agency Fights to Keep From Going Deaf
#    Limited Success in Tapping Undersea Cable Illustrates the 
#    Challenges Facing the NSA
#    WASHINGTON -- For decades, the National Security Agency did most 
#    of its spying by plucking information out of thin air. With a 
#    global network of listening stations and satellites, the NSA 
#    eavesdropped on phone conversations in Saddam Hussein's bunker, 
#    snatched Soviet missile-launch secrets and once caught Brezhnev 
#    in his limousine chatting about his mistress.
#    The NSA's task was relatively simple then because most 
#    international phone-and-data traffic moved via satellites or 
#    microwave towers. The agency sucked up those signals and sorted 
#    through them with supercomputers. Few of its eavesdroppers risked 
#    life or limb, and those they spied upon were often none the wiser.
#    But today the NSA's snooping capabilities are in jeopardy, 
#    undermined by advances in telecommunications technology. Much 
#    of the information the agency once gleaned from the air waves 
#    now travels in the form of light beams through fiber-optic cables 
#    crisscrossing continents and ocean floors. That shift has forced 
#    the NSA to seek new ways to gather intelligence -- including 
#    tapping undersea cables, a technologically daunting, physically 
#    dangerous and potentially illegal task.
#    Subsea Splice
#    In the mid-1990s, the NSA installed one such tap, say former 
#    intelligence officials familiar with the covert project. Using 
#    a special spy submarine, they say, agency personnel descended 
#    hundreds of feet into one of the oceans and sliced into a 
#    fiber-optic cable. The mixed results of the experiment -- 
#    particularly the agency's inability to make sense of the vast 
#    flood of data unleashed by the tap -- show that America's 
#    pre-eminent spy service has huge challenges to overcome if it 
#    hopes to keep from going deaf in the digital age.
#    Details of the NSA cable-tapping project are sketchy. Individuals 
#    who confirm the tap won't specify where or when it occurred. 
#    It isn't known whether the cable's operator detected the 
#    intrusion, though former NSA officials say they believe it went 
#    unnoticed. Nor is it known whether the NSA has attempted other 
#    taps since. Efforts to intercept all sorts of signals -- ranging 
#    from military radar to international phone calls -- are among 
#    the most highly classified U.S. government operations. Leaking 
#    information about interception methods is a federal crime 
#    punishable by imprisonment.
#    The Outer Limits
#    In an interview, Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden, the NSA's 
#    director, laughed when asked whether the NSA had tapped undersea 
#    cables. "I'm not going to sit here and dissuade you from your 
#    views," he said. But he suggested that access isn't the problem. 
#    Rather, he said, the sheer volume and variety of today's 
#    communications means "there's simply too much out there, and 
#    it's too hard to understand."
#    Veterans of the undersea fiber-optic cable business say an 
#    undersea tap would strain the limits of technology, and cable 
#    operators aren't happy that the NSA may have pulled one off. 
#    "We don't believe this is possible, but assuming it was, there's 
#    no way we want someone trying to get into our cables," says Frank 
#    Denniston, chief technical officer for London-based Flag Telecom 
#    Holdings Ltd., one of the half-dozen or so companies that dominate 
#    the industry.
#    "It's our job to keep the data on our cables as safe and secure 
#    as possible," Mr. Denniston adds. "Any tap would automatically 
#    create a weakness and could bring down the entire system."
#    Undersea taps would pose tricky legal issues for the agency, 
#    too. For example, U.S. law forbids the NSA to intentionally 
#    intercept and process the phone calls and e-mails of U.S. citizens 
#    without court approval. Such communications make up a sizable 
#    slice of undersea cable traffic.
#    A Costly Undertaking
#    Some outside analysts and U.S. intelligence officials think the 
#    NSA should abandon such efforts in favor of more narrowly targeted 
#    intelligence-gathering efforts. One intelligence official 
#    estimates that tapping all the world's undersea cables, assuming 
#    it could be done, would cost more than $2 billion a year. And 
#    no one knows whether the NSA will ever have enough computing 
#    power to analyze the resulting gusher of digital data.
#    Even so, the agency has been pushing ahead. At General Dynamics 
#    Corp.'s Electric Boat shipyard in Groton, Conn., the Navy is 
#    deep into a five-year, $1 billion retrofit of the USS Jimmy 
#    Carter, a nuclear-powered vessel that intelligence experts say 
#    will be the premier U.S. spy sub when it hits the seas in 2004. 
#    Among its many planned features, says one former official familiar 
#    with the project: state-of-the-art technology for undersea 
#    fiber-optic taps.
#    The NSA's Lt. Gen. Hayden and Navy officials decline to comment 
#    on the USS Jimmy Carter's mission.
#    In the late 1980s, satellites and microwave towers still carried 
#    more than 90% of all international voice-and-data traffic, 
#    including diplomatic cables. Most were easy pickings for the 
#    NSA's spy satellites and earthbound listening stations scattered 
#    from Japan and Australia to the moors of England. Back then, 
#    the agency also found it relatively easy to tap the kind of 
#    low-capacity copper lines that carried phone calls across oceans.
#    New Jersey to Britain
#    All that began to change in 1988, when AT&T Corp. completed the 
#    world's first transoceanic fiber-optic cable. Called TAT-8, the 
#    cable snaked more than 3,000 miles along the Atlantic floor from 
#    New Jersey to Britain. Its two fibers, running through a cable 
#    as narrow as a man's wrist, could carry nearly 40,000 phone 
#    conversations at once, five times the capacity of the best 
#    undersea copper cables and comparable to all the trans-Atlantic 
#    voice traffic then handled by satellites.
#    The first trans-Pacific fiber-optic cable entered service in 
#    1991. A 17,000-mile-long Flag Telecom cable connecting Europe 
#    with North Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Japan 
#    came on line in 1997. And Russia and China began laying thousands 
#    of miles of fiber, depriving the NSA of entire time zones of 
#    once easily accessible transmissions.
#    The NSA recognized from the start that fiber optics could be 
#    a problem. In early 1989, the agency assembled a team of 
#    researchers in a small warren of labs at its headquarters in 
#    Fort Meade, Md. Other researchers fanned out to corporate research 
#    centers to bone up on the new technology. Their mission, according 
#    to one former NSA researcher who worked on it, was to find a 
#    way to get inside fiber-optic cables and secretly siphon off 
#    the data moving through them.
#    Fiber optics had been touted as the first mode of long-distance 
#    communication impervious to eavesdropping. The technology allows 
#    thousands of phone calls, faxes, e-mail messages and encrypted 
#    data files, translated into beams of light, to travel through 
#    a single strand of glass as thin as a human hair. Most undersea 
#    cables now typically contain eight such strands, or fibers. 
#    Extracting the data inside requires gaining access to those light 
#    beams -- in the dark, high-pressure realm of the ocean's depths.
#    Exposed in the Depths
#    Undersea fiber-optic cables are sheathed in a thick steel husk 
#    and buried in a yard-deep trench. But once the water depth exceeds 
#    1,000 feet, they usually are left to run uncovered along the 
#    ocean floor. Industry experts believe the NSA tap must have 
#    occurred in deep waters far out at sea, where the cable would 
#    be exposed and the risks of being seen would be lower. Some cable 
#    operators make frequent surveillance flights hundreds of miles 
#    from shore, mainly to keep track of fishing boats whose nets 
#    or anchors might rip their cables.
#    Former intelligence officials say the agency made its tap with 
#    the help of a customized sub. "It's a submarine capable of 
#    bringing a length of cable inside a special chamber, where the 
#    men then do the work," while the sub hugs the ocean floor, says 
#    one former official. The surface ships used by undersea-cable 
#    companies to install and repair cables have similar chambers 
#    -- called jointing rooms -- where crews work on the delicate 
#    fibers. When repairing a broken cable, cable companies generally 
#    lift one end of the rupture to the surface and into the jointing 
#    room, splice in a new length of cable, then lift the other end 
#    of the rupture and repeat the process.
#    In 1997, the NSA and the Navy proposed equipping the USS Jimmy 
#    Carter with such a chamber, as part of a "special operations" 
#    upgrade to the $2.4 billion sub.
#    A Battle Lost
#    Some members of Congress doubted that the cost of the upgrade 
#    would be worth the intelligence gains. And, in closed meetings 
#    with lawmakers on Capitol Hill, several top intelligence officials 
#    in the Clinton administration fought to kill the project. They 
#    lost the battle in late 1998, when Congress agreed to enlarge 
#    the sub to accommodate what the Navy called "advanced technology 
#    for naval special warfare and tactical surveillance." Plans called 
#    for the upgrade to include facilities that would enable the NSA 
#    to tap undersea cables, people familiar with it say. The Navy 
#    declines to discuss details of the retrofit, which is now under 
#    way. The vessel's intended mission could have been modified.
#    Norman Polmar, a naval and intelligence expert, says any undersea 
#    tapping probably would be done in a custom-designed chamber that 
#    detaches from the sub. "The Navy would not be keen on bringing 
#    a high-voltage cable into a submarine," says Mr. Polmar, a 
#    part-time consultant to Congress and the Pentagon who has followed 
#    the submarine project closely. Moreover, he says, "Having a cable 
#    running through a sub for a day or more would tie the sub down 
#    in a way that could endanger lives."
#    He says the USS Jimmy Carter is meant to have "lock-out 
#    capability" to allow divers to leave and enter the sub. Plans 
#    also call for special thrusters that will allow the vessel to 
#    hover near the ocean floor for long periods, a technology that 
#    would enable it to supply oxygen and power to an undersea chamber.
#    The USS Jimmy Carter is expected to replace the USS Parche, a 
#    Cold War-era sub used extensively to spy on the Soviets. The 
#    Parche, set for retirement in 2003, tapped a number of undersea 
#    Soviet copper cables during the 1970s and 1980s, according to 
#    the 1998 book "Blind Man's Bluff," a history of submarine-based 
#    spying written by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew. The NSA 
#    declines to comment.
#    No Ordinary Sub
#    The Parche is equipped with a claw-like device to pluck fairly 
#    large objects off the ocean floor. The sub used in the NSA tap 
#    probably was fitted with a similar system used to lift the cable 
#    into the jointing room, which would then have been emptied of 
#    water, experts say.
#    "This wouldn't be any ordinary submarine," says Marc Dodeman, 
#    an engineer with Margus Co., of Edison, N.J., a pioneer in 
#    undersea-cable installation and repair. "It would have to have 
#    some way to take in a cable, while sitting on the ocean floor, 
#    without leaking water. That would require some intense 
#    engineering."
#    Technicians fixing a damaged cable usually make such repairs 
#    above water and under antiseptic conditions. Dust or seawater 
#    in the submerged chamber could ruin an exposed fiber. Making 
#    a surreptitious tap of a live cable would also require 
#    circumventing the electrical charge -- usually around 10,000 
#    volts -- which is used to power the devices that keep the speeding 
#    light beams strong.
#    "Exposing that electricity to the water, or severing it at all, 
#    would shut down the entire system," says Peter Runge, chief of 
#    research and development for TyCom Ltd., Morristown, N.J., one 
#    of the world's largest submarine cable companies and a 
#    majority-owned unit of Tyco International Ltd. The shutdown would 
#    defeat the tap and alert the cable operator that something was 
#    amiss, adds Mr. Runge, making the odds of success extremely small. 
#    TyCom and its rivals say that any interruptions or outages they 
#    have experienced were caused by fishermen's nets, anchors -- 
#    or, in earlier days, shark bites -- but none of the circumstances 
#    suggested tampering.
#    There are basically two ways to extract light, and thus data, 
#    from a fiber: by bending the fiber so that some light radiates 
#    through the fiber's thin polymer cladding, and by splicing the 
#    fiber, Mr. Runge says. Bending fiber is an imprecise science. 
#    The NSA tap probably required splicing a second fiber to each 
#    of the fibers, splitting the data into two identical streams.
#    But that would pose yet another problem. "Splice the line, and 
#    you cut off the light, at least momentarily," says Wayne Siddall, 
#    an optical engineer at Corning Fiber in Corning, N.Y. Even a 
#    second's interruption could be noticed by a cable's operator. 
#    Cable companies typically build systems with duplicate lines 
#    that take diverging routes, in case one of them is damaged or 
#    severed.
#    One retired NSA optical specialist insists that the NSA devised 
#    a way to splice a fiber without being detected. "Getting into 
#    fiber is delicate work, but by no means impossible," the former 
#    specialist says. Neither he nor the NSA will discuss the matter 
#    further.
#    After the tap had been completed, the hard work of interpreting 
#    the data began -- and it proved difficult for the NSA, say those 
#    familiar with the project. "What we got was a blast of digital 
#    bits, like a fire hydrant spraying you in the face," says one 
#    former NSA technician with knowledge of the project. "It was 
#    the classic needle-in-the-haystack pursuit, except here the 
#    haystack starts out huge and grows by the second," the former 
#    technician says. NSA's computers simply weren't equipped to sort 
#    through so much data flying at them so fast.
#    That's not likely to change soon. The NSA long boasted some of 
#    the most powerful computers on earth. But the agency's 
#    technological edge dulled as the equipment aged and money grew 
#    tight. The NSA's budget is classified, but individuals familiar 
#    with it say it is about two-thirds what it was a decade ago, 
#    even before accounting for inflation.
#    At the same time, new undersea cables are carrying more and more 
#    information. A cable TyCom is laying across the Pacific will 
#    have the capacity to carry the equivalent of 100 million phone 
#    calls at a time.
#    Flag Telecom expects to throw the switch on a new trans-Atlantic 
#    cable this summer whose eight fibers will have the capacity to 
#    move more information than all the cables now crossing the 
#    Atlantic. Some computer experts say that the power to digest 
#    what will stream through the Flag cable could require a doubling 
#    of the NSA's computing power -- and huge costs. The NSA's tapping 
#    project, from research to tap, cost hundreds of millions of 
#    dollars, individuals familiar with it say.
#    Yet the NSA's Lt. Gen. Hayden says he isn't discouraged. At the 
#    moment, he likes to say, technology is the NSA's enemy. But 
#    computing power will allow it to process greater masses of data, 
#    which he says he hopes will eventually "allow a single analyst 
#    to extract wisdom from vast volumes of raw information."

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