On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> > > ORBS/MAPS/etc. "participate" by connecting to and reviewing sites,
> > > much like I go out to and watch movies to review.
> > 
> > Not always.  If you refused to have your site "reviewed", then they would
> > literally make one up.
> Huh? If theyr'e checking to see if you're running an open relay or
> harboring spammers, both can be verified ("reviewed") without too much
> effort.

No.  Assuming that ORBS servers were blocked at the edge (as is the case
here), they have absolutely no way to test for open relays (not that it
would do any good here, as we don't have any).  If ORBS probes are
blocked, ORBS will literally _invent_ the review of "open relay", and
apply it to the "movie" (domain) they never had access to "see".

There is another dark side to ORBS which seems to be missed here:  Most
people's primary complaint about spammers is that they (the spammer) is
making use of network services at someone elses expense, without
permission of the spamee.  ORBS is guilty of the EXACT same "crime" - but,
the ORBS is Politically Correct, so nobody seems to mind...   

Hypocrisy in action, eh?

> > Good riddance to bad trash.  Now that ORBS is dead, when are you going to
> > follow their fine example Declan?
> Amusing. Last time I got a veiled death threat was when I wrote about
> UFOs.

You flatter yourself *way* too much Declan - I know of nobody who would
waste a cartridge on your useless ass.

> -Declan

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

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