On Fri, 11 May 2001, Eric Cordian wrote:

> Jim Choate wrote:
> > Note that at NO time should anyones actual speech be monitored, measured,
> > or otherwise 'managed' by any 3rd party. It simply isn't needed.
> Oh Bullshit.

No, believing that any human agency has the right to walk around and
preemptoraly decide others actions is bullshit.

> If Fred has an odd sense of humor, and tells blind people the opposite of
> what the traffic lights say, his actual speech needs to be managed.


If a bullfrog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt. Law isn't about what
'might be', it is only about 'what is'.

You don't 'control the speech' you punish the son of a bitch for at least
attempted murder. A couple of those and 'odd sense of humor' will be
mediated by common sense.

Clearly something 'speech needs a priori regulation' proponents have in
short supply.

> If Timmy causes mass death by screaming "Anthrax Attack" in an underground
> walkway during rush hour, resulting in a massive stampeding, crushing, and
> trampling incident, his actual speech needs to be managed.

No, the consequence, breaking the peace, needs to be punished.

How that damage happened is irrelevant. The POINT of the legal action is
to compensate (in some imagined way as in this example since we clearly
can't raise the dead...but what IF we could?) for the ACTUAL consequences
of the act.

The easiset way to control somebodies speech so that no 'harm' is done is
to control the thoughts that led up to it. So the next thing in your
repetoire of 'social control' (which by the way only makes sense in
fascisms and socialisms, not democracies) is mind control.

The government is NOT responsible to stop everyone from doing what they
MIGHT do. Only resolve the consequences AFTER they DO something.

You're view is the typical socialist/fascist view, people exist as
property to be managed to the requisite detail for the 'good of the many'
(which really means the good of the ones who have weaseled themselves into
the position of making decisions).

How do the C-A-C-L'es propose to 'manage peoples speech'? Interesting tad
of light you shine on that, no?


             God was my co-pilot, then we crashed in the Andes.
             So I ate him.

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       www.ssz.com            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
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