Good Morning!
Welcome to all our New Subscribers. Your suggestions, comments and opinions are always welcomed at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In our New Articles section we have published the following articles:
"The New School Prayer"- ...'a beautiful poem written by a teenager from Arizona who's name we ignore....(the) poem is an irrefutable denunciation of what is taking place in our Country. It is also a cry for help from one of our young persons who are exposed to the senseless violence that has become so prevalent in our schools and Nation today.'  Click Here to read
"The Top 10 Misconceptions about Government"- By Mr. Harry Browne...'When people argue for or against some new government program, a lot of what's said is based on assumptions about government that just aren't so.' Click Here to read
"Is the United States Today: a Democracy, a Republic or a Plutocracy?"-  Under which of the above forms of government do you believe we are living today in this Country... Is there a difference between them...Could there possibly be another option that we did not include in the above? Click Here to read
Thank you for your time!
Keep your spirits HIGH and continue Fighting The Good Fight!
Alex V. Martinez... ROAR FREEDOM!
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