>Or does the DCMA make my decrypting a DVD (which I own) using unauthorized
>software (i.e. not part of the consortium) illegal, period?

When someone sells you something (e.g., a phonograph, or phonograph
they can claim that the warrantee is void [1] if you use other than
*their* parts 
(phonograph needles, licensed phonographs), but they cannot tell the
govt that they
are harmed by your use of unapproved gear.

The DCMA folks need to understand this.  Badly.  

[1] An OEM may not be always be able to void a warrantee for objectively
bogus reasons, 
e.g., a car manufacturer probably couldn't get away with dropping a
drive-train warrantee 
because you used generic oil that fullfilled published specs.

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