
#    ...the extension of Restriction of Liberty Orders...
#    There are also plans to use the orders as a condition of a
#    probation order or a drug treatment and testing order...

#    THURSDAY JUNE 28 2001
#    All sheriff courts to have power to tag offenders
#    POLITICIANS and community leaders gave a cautious welcome 
#    yesterday to plans to increase the use of electronic tagging 
#    of offenders.
#    Every sheriff court in Scotland is to be given the option of 
#    electronically monitoring offenders under a scheme announced 
#    by the Scottish Executive. Iain Gray, the Deputy Justice Minister, 
#    unveiled details of the move during a visit to General Security 
#    Services Corporation Europe in East Kilbride.
#    Pilot schemes are already under way in Hamilton, Aberdeen and 
#    Peterhead and the firm has the contract to provide the electronic 
#    monitoring service to Hamilton Sheriff Court.
#    Mr Gray said 418 offenders had been electronically tagged since 
#    the pilot scheme was launched in August 1998. He described the 
#    initiative, which predominantly sees offenders limited to their 
#    own home for up to 12 hours a day, as a success that should be 
#    extended throughout Scotland.
#    Donald Dickie, a senior manager with the community safety 
#    organisation Safeguarding Communities Reducing Offending, welcomed 
#    the move as an alternative to custody. He said that the prison 
#    population in Scotland was too high and that not all offenders 
#    need to be locked up.
#    Mr Dickie also welcomed moves to use tagging for inmates released 
#    from prison on licence and under supervision. He said: "It has 
#    the potential to assist in helping people to lead stable lives."
#    Roseanna Cunningham, the SNP's Shadow Justice Minister, gave 
#    the announcement a muted welcome but expressed concerns that 
#    no timescale had been given. She said: "I cautiously welcome 
#    the announcement today by the Deputy Justice Minister that 
#    Restriction of Liberty Orders will play a greater role in the 
#    criminal justice system.
#    "It is important, however, that these orders are used as a direct 
#    alternative to custody as it makes a great deal of sense both 
#    in terms of justice and in terms of cost."
#    Phil Gallie, the Scottish Conservatives' justice spokesman, said 
#    tagging should be used as an additional tool in the fight against 
#    crime. He said: "Electronic tagging must not be an instrument 
#    with which the Scottish Executive can empty our prisons. I have 
#    always been an advocate for electronic tagging, however I never 
#    envisaged that this would provide an easy option for criminals.
#    "At all times our courts must ensure that punishment and 
#    deterrence along with protection of the public stands as the 
#    highest priority."
#    Mr Gray said the extension of Restriction of Liberty Orders, 
#    under which offenders are fitted with electronic transmitters 
#    so monitoring authorities can keep track of their movements, 
#    would take place once a competitive tendering exercise has been 
#    completed.
#    There are also plans to use the orders as a condition of a 
#    probation order or a drug treatment and testing order and for 
#    monitoring of prisoners released on licence under supervision 
#    such as sex offenders.


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