1901 - Emilio Aguinaldo, leader of the Filipino rebels is
At the outbreak of the Spanish-American War the US had
returned Aguinaldo to the Philippines to direct the native
uprisings against the Spanish. In 1899 when the Filipinos
learned the US did not intend to give them their
independence, Aguinaldo led an armed revolt against US
rule. An American force of 70,000 was sent to suppress
this "insurrection".
1905 - England: John Collins, co-founder of Campaign for
Nuclear Disarmament, lives.

1910 - Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998) lives, Tokyo. Japanese
film director, considered with Kenji Mizoguchi & Yasujiro
Ozu among the greatest of Japanese modern film makers.

1918 - "Dada Manifesto" issued by Tristan Tzara in
" I destroy the drawers of the brain & those of the
social organization. "
1918 - US: Trial of 101 Wobblies (Industrial Workers of the
World; IWW) begins in Chicago, for opposition to World War
I; tried for violating the Espionage Act..
I doubt if ever in history there has been a sight just like
them. One hundred & one lumberjacks, harvest hands,
miners, editors . . . who believe the wealth of the world
belongs to him who creates it . . . the outdoor men, hard-
rock blasters, tree-fellers, wheat-binders, longshoremen,
the boys who do the strongwork of the world. . . ."
---John Reed
See: A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn
or George, Harrison, The I.W.W. Trial: Story of the Greatest Trial
in Labor's History by One of the Defendants,
Chicago: IWW, [1919]. 208 pages
1921 - Netherlands: War Resisters International founded,
1933 - Germany: Dachau opens for business -- the first of
many concentration camps in Germany for the destruction of Jews
& the undesirables classified 'unfit'.
1942 - Ama Ata Aidoo (1942-) lives. Ghanaian writer, who
has depicted in her works the role of African woman in modern
society. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/calendar.htm
1942 -- Let us remember--
On this day in 1942 the US Government began removing
Americans from their homes without benefit of trial,
indictment or any other legal anachronisms, &
forced them into detention centers hundreds of miles away,
in the middle of the desert.

1957 - US Army sells off the last of its homing pigeons.
1970 - US: Male Call?: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader
President Dick'M Nixon declares national emergency, orders
30,000 troops to New York City to break Postal Wildcat
1983 - In his "Star Wars" speech Beloved & Respected
Comrade Leader Acting President Reagan proposes a
space-based system to blast incoming missiles out of the
sky -- just like the 1940 film "Murder in the Air",
whose hero, Secret Service Agent Brass Bancroft
(played by Ronnie Reagan!), gets involved with the
"Inertia Projector," a death ray that can zap planes.

...the love of novelty is a pleasant sort of
cross....impulsive & vibrant to crucify boredom.
---dADA Manifesto, 1918
jya; dada or gaga? 

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