At 11:18 AM 6/1/03 -0400, Ian Grigg wrote:
>There is a reason that the AK47 is the weapon of
>choice:  it is an extraordinarily simple weapon.
>Training is probably about half the requirements
>of say the M16.  That makes a difference, much
>more so than, say, the increased accuracy of the

Got evidence?  The benefits of the AK involve
the *weapon's* robustness, not its user interface.
Also, a 7.62 beats a 5+change mm any day.

>Phsycologically, it makes us unhappy to realise
>that the 911 attackers were actually quite simple,
>so we don't.  We build up Osama bin Laden to be
>a mastermind, a sort of James Bond-qualified evil
>guy who constructs plans of insidious cunning.

OBL is at least 2 standard deviations smarter than
Bush, and probably one more than Rummy too. Thinking otherwise is buying into the "madman" propoganda.

>All this is a long winded way of saying your
>average terrorist is much more like your grandma
>when it comes to tech.  Highly competant in the
>kitchen, but can't send an email to save herself.

Except that post sat-phone, the Base has plenty
of motivation to train well in opsec.  Or catch
a tomahawk.  You working for Fox News these
days?   Or just wishful thinking?

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