Internews Establishes Emergency Media Fund for Disasters and Conflicts
Internews (press release) - USA
(February 10, 2009) With a three-year, $500000 challenge grant from the
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Internews Network has
established a ...

Press Release
Internews Establishes Emergency Media Fund for Disasters and Conflicts
MacArthur Foundation Challenge Grant Enables Local Media to Provide
Lifesaving Information in Emergencies

(February 10, 2009) With a three-year, $500,000 challenge grant from the
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Internews Network has
established a fund to enable local media to provide vital news and
information to survivors of humanitarian disasters and other crises.

“Internews’ global reach and experience make it possible for us to respond
immediately in emergency situations,” said David Hoffman, President of
Internews Network. “With the generous and far-sighted support of the
MacArthur Foundation, we will be able to help more people more effectively
by providing the timely and accurate information that is so essential
during a disaster.”

The grant seeds Internews’ new fund for emergency media, allowing local,
independent media in crisis zones to play a key role in disasters. This
includes immediately disseminating vital humanitarian information to
affected populations and providing a two-way channel of communication
between relief organizations and those they are trying to help. Donations
to the fund will be matched dollar for dollar by the MacArthur grant.

Established at the beginning of the year, the fund has already launched
its first crisis response.
Starting on January 9, during the height of the conflict between Israel
and Hamas, Internews became the first and only international media
organization to organize the broadcast of vital information on
distribution of food and blankets, safe havens, road closures and other
humanitarian news to the people of Gaza. Produced by a team of Palestinian
journalists, the special broadcasts air on three independent West Bank
radio stations as well as one Gaza station.

Internews has considerable experience mobilizing local media to play a
lifesaving role in disasters and emergencies. Internews has responded to
the 2004 Asia tsunami, the 2005 Pakistan earthquake, the ongoing Darfur
refugee crisis, and the 2008 post-election violence in Kenya, among other
crises. Yet these efforts have been ad hoc, undertaken only as funding
could be raised. The MacArthur grant will enable Internews to respond more
quickly and comprehensively.

“MacArthur has long provided support to ensure a diversity of voices and
expand the availability of high-quality content, both at home and abroad,”
said Elspeth Revere, Vice President of General Programs at the MacArthur
Foundation. “Internews Network is well-positioned to ensure the free flow
of information across the globe.”

Internews Network is an international non-profit organization that
empowers local media worldwide to serve the information needs of their
communities. The organization has worked in over 70 countries and trained
over 70,000 people in media skills. Together with local partners,
Internews’ activities include establishing and supporting media outlets,
journalist associations, and broadcast networks. Internews also has
specialized programs to improve reporting on the environment, humanitarian
crises, public health and women’s issues.

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation supports creative people
and effective institutions committed to building a more just, verdant, and
peaceful world.  In addition to selecting the MacArthur Fellows, the
Foundation works to defend human rights, advance global conservation and
security, make cities better places, and understand how technology is
affecting children and society.

For more information, contact JoAnne Sullivan Woolley, 202-833-5740 ext. 208

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