Community Media Sustainability Guide - The Business of Changing Lives
by Jean Fairbairn

Publication date
Feb 26 2009

Launched by Internews, this guide addresses the challenge of how to make
community media financially sustainable in countries around the world. The
Community Media Sustainability Guide: The Business of Changing Lives
covers topics such as incorporating new online platforms and using
alternative energy to power radio stations, all with an eye to

Case studies of community media outlets and networks featured here include
creative solutions to the problem of finding enough funding to stay in
business. For instance, the Coffee Lifeline project in Rwanda relies on
partnerships with international groups to supply agricultural news to
coffee farmers, and Desi Radio, serving London's Punjabi community,
thrives on a mixed business model that includes selling advertising,
conducting media trainings, and hiring out volunteers to dance at

The guide is designed for community media practitioners and activists,
trainers, and the donors and development agencies that support them. It
provides different perspectives on sustainability, practical approaches to
achieving it, and a comprehensive list of resources for practitioners and
activists. The publication was funded by a grant to Internews Network from
the US Agency for International Development (USAID) via a subgrant from

Click here to freely access the guide in PDF format.

Internews Network is an international media development organization whose
mission is to empower local media worldwide to give people the news and
information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their
voices heard. Founded in 1982, the organization has worked in over 70
countries and trained over 70,000 media professionals worldwide.

Anamika Nelson
Senior Program Associate, New Initiatives
Internews Network

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