[Thanks to George Lessard for this link]

I've heard that much the same thing has happened in Sikkim, Darjeeling and
other parts of the North East (and Nepal) struck by yesterday's earthquake.
Power is down, and so are telephone lines -- either jammed or dead. With
power and cable systems affected, TV is dead, too.

The commercial FM channels in Gangtok and Siliguri were off air for a long
time, but they seem to be back on air now. And playing pop music....


Radio Namaskar: the voice of the flood hit population

*Report by OrissaDiary.com correspondent; Bhubaneswar:*

Night of 10th Sept was a black night for people of Gop Block in Puri
district as the breach in the embankment of Kusabhadra river at Kusupur made
flood water gush into the
villages and even the Gop market that never saw a flood like this. Within
a few minutes thousands of the families living in different villages
lost their houses and belongings. Some died, many went missing. As the old
mud and kuchha houses collapsed, people took shelter on roof top of
nearest buildings where they had to spend 3 days.

Experiencing the gravity of the situation, Radio Namaskar – the
community radio of the locality soon started broadcasting information about
the flood and about people in the affected areas. It was of immense help to
people as, even, persons missing or stuck off in places could get
information on the radio about their families and villages.

As Radio Namaskar soon became the medium of communication in the
flood gripped localities, local administration also tapped it as an
opportunity to make announcements of updates and information.

Not keeping the activities limited to broadcast of information only,
Radio Namaskar also involved it in the rescue activities. A dedicated
telephone line was used by Radio Namaskar to link the affected communities
with administration and others through radio. Within a week, more than
one thousand phone calls were received from people. 32 relief teams and
number of individual volunteers coordinated and facilitated all the
activities of
Radio Namaskar in the flood affected area for which, many people could
save their life.

Apart from becoming the voice of the flood hit population, Radio
Namaskar disseminated the way how Community Radios can play a crucial role
in time of disasters.
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