
> Maybe... but one of the long-term goals is to makes them use the
> same toolkit. Researching first which covers the needs. It's not very
> smart to have a "Design Studio" collaborating between thems and have
> a different toolkit.

i don't think that a common user interface should not require the use of a 
common toolkit (btw, QT is more a development framework than just a GUI 

as far i can judge it, the goal should be that all the application look the 
same (and native) in Gnome, they look the same in KDE, in Windows and OS X.

but the same app may (and should!) look different in Gnome, KDE, Windows and OS 
X. We should integrate our apps as good as possible in each windowing system!

on the one side QT and GTK should evolve (and are evolving afaik) to look 
native in all those environments, on the other side the goal of your project 
should be to propose a widget set and interaction rules which help the apps to 
achieve those goals.

as somebody already (and correctly) pointed out, i also think you need one ore 
more interaction experts on board.

go on and let's create a brighter future :-)

have fun
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