On 6/10/10, Gregory Pittman wrote:

> Here are some generic concerns (in the form of questions I don't have
> definitive answers for) about the choice of a site for LGM, though not
> specific to Viet Nam:
> How should it be decided about where LGMs should happen? Should there
> already be some presence of project involvement in the area, or is there
> some thinking that LGM might some how jump start some intense interest
> all by itself?

Should there be either... or...?

> Should language barriers be considered? In other words, can we expect
> involvement with projects when we are unsure whether suitable
> communication can occur?

I'm pretty sure that Andy Fitzsimon who was at GNOME Asia 2009 and
liked the conference a lot hardly speaks any Vietnamese :)

> Maybe LGM should just be a webinar...

Why not just start selling VR hardware with LGM channel subscription? :)

I'm afraid that you seem to be seriously underestimating the backstage
part of the conference. We have IRC for talking. We need face2face for
*decisions*. And besides I'm looking forward to my comfy Vietnamese
prison cell with cockroaches the size of my head, thank you so very

Alexandre Prokoudine
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