> The file doesn't load any layers in Krita because the stack element is
> missing.
Woo, stupid people make stupid errors, me :)

> Can you be more more explicit?
The guideline I made is really simple, just read the README file, the great
point of this model is each project could use a subset of features, or all,
and the result would be several examples generated in several libs, so
avoiding a 'neutral' examples we had no chance of issues with the 'neutral'
generator, and of course we save up time making this generator or making the
examples by hand. In conclusion, distributed is better.

> it seems more important to make sure there is a set of files
> covering all distinct OpenRaster features.
Well. is another point of view, I like it too, but definitely we should do

Marcos Díaz <mar...@nathive.org>
Nathive project developer
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