On August 12, 2010 01:10:21 pm Camille Bissuel wrote:
> On Drupal, my website (www.yagraph.org) is based on Drupal 6, and I never
> succeeded to set up i18n correctly despites my efforts (I gived up). Maybe
> I can try again...
> Can you be more explicit on the Drupal tools ?

these notes are unusually scant, even for my standards:

#  In Admin > Site Building > Modules enable the optional core modules Content 
translation, Locale, Path.
# In Admin > Settings > Language set up the languages. Click on Add to add 
them, set their priorities with Weight (smaller = higher prio), then configure 
to Path prefix with language fallback.
# In Admin > Content > Types, enable Multilingual support with translation 
under Workflow Settings. Repeat for all content types that you want to 
# Enter new content to be translated and define its language. Language neutral 
content will not be set for translation
# In Admin > Build > Block enable the language switcher block
# To set the front page per language, edit the node for the home page by 
setting the URL path to something like "home". Repeat that on every home page 
in every language. Then in Admin > Settings > Site Information set the Default 
front page to "home". Yo can replace "home" with any unique URL name.
# in User Management -> Permissions grant permissions to administer languages, 
translate menus, translate content (if you want the functionality to be user 
#  add the following block to settings.php 

$conf['i18n_variables'] = array(
  // Site name, slogan, mission, etc..
  // Different front page for each language
  // Primary and secondary links
  // Contact form information

* http://drupal.org/node/313272
* http://drupal-translation.com/

this was February 2009, I am sorry I can't be more explicit/helpful than this.

I still think that the wheel is being reinvented too often.  What's wrong with 
the create wiki (other than the domain name, on which I agree with Ale?)

Jon exposed the redundancy of web efforts pretty well a few days ago and I 
agree with most of what he wrote.  The difficulty is not to set up a website, 
it is to keep it running and not looking stale.  Another website will just 
spread the resources even more thin.  But if you feel the urge to express 
yourself in a website, go ahead.  It's your time / effort.

I don't agree with Jon's statements on the broader scope beyond graphics.  IMO 
LG should yes be flexible about its boundaries and welcome related project 
(e.g. in the audio or video fields) when the opportunity arise, but it should 
first and foremost stay focused on its core (graphics) mission to avoid 
spreading the resources too thin or diluting the conference too much.

My 2 (non-participating) cents
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