Sorry ! I hit the "send" button before finishing my email ! :)

Please be patient ! I will conclude shortly !


2010/8/16 Louis Desjardins <>

> 2010/8/16 Camille Bissuel <>
>> to Cyrille Berger :
>> *While lgw does not cover the LGA purpose, it matches the lga website. To
>> be
>> honest, from what I have understood, lga = lgw + create.*
>> ---> In my view, lga > lgw + create, to another public (users) and other
>> aims (demonstrate + explain +teach ...). LGW is excellent for news and
>> Create is excellent for collaboration between projects, but there are others
>> topics to be covered.
>> Can I mess up the create wiki and change it's aim without starting a flame
>> war ? If I can, I do agree with you that there is no need for another
>> website.
> Hi Camile !
> Maybe I can suggest you don’t put words like "mess up" in this context ?
> This is surely paving the way to some sort of mess... :) which is obviously
> what you don’t want to achieve !
>> *If people thinks create does not works very well, I fail to see how
>> having an "association" is
>> going to magically solve any problem. Especially, considering that what
>> create
>> lack is mostly of animation.
>> Also, creating an association with no revenue seems to be a lot of
>> bureaucratic work. In many countries, the main point of registering an
>> association is to get access to a bank account.*
>> ---> to have a bank account in the future, you have to start by creating
>> an association, not the opposite way. It will allow us to start the project
>> and start to share some means. Furthermore, according to a.l.e, creating an
>> association in Switzerland is really simple and there is no bureaucratic
>> work.
> Never underestimate the bureaucratic work... :)
>> *Finally, I want to encourage any effort in promoting libre creative
>> software,
>> but I add my voices in the "there is already too many separated efforts,
>> lets
>> join force instead of creating new".*
>>  ---> Totally agree with that. What I'm doing wrong to let you think that
>> LGA is not about joining forces ?
>> For the Libre graphics magazine, I do agree too, but it will have a far
>> much lesser diffusion than a website. I don't understand why peoples agree
>> on the magazine, and not on the website, despite they share parts on the
>> same objectives (promoting and demonstrating libre graphics tools).
>> Am I stupid ?
> In the eyes of many people on this list we are already into an
> "association". We belong to this community, we work together, we communicate
> a lot, we have means to do this. This is what most people would call an
> association !
> You have more ideas, which is great ! You think we should embrace more
> topics that are not covered yet, okay !
> But again, this can all be done going in the same flow we have already. No
> need to reinvent the wheel. Just push in the same direction. Add some more
> bits here and there. If we need a more structured association, we have
> already a discussion on the wiki about this and a few incredibly rich
> threads on the Creates Mailing List. Already, there is a big work only
> gathering together those ideas and make them come alive...
> I think that so far it’s only a matter of communication. I have been
> participating in the BoF at LGM with you. I am all for a more structured
> association. We have announced together at LGM that we’d be doing it
> quickly. The only thing we should do now is do it.
> Some more notes.
> In 2007 I have put together a non-profit to help organise LGM as I rapidly
> discovered that in order to get some local sponsorship (especially from the
> government). Since then, this non-profit has been left there, unused. I
> haven’t looked after this association for years. I didn’t use it in 2009
> because it was too much for me to handle the accounting so I preferred to
> leave that to the GNOME Foundation. Today, the assocation named "Quebec
> Association for the Development and Promotion of Free Software" is reviving
> because we have a big project going on with the Francophonie and we will be
> handling funds. I have even opened an account in euros so we don’t need to
> convert the funds and we thus avoid a lot of stress with the handling of
> international funding, something that is even better than what the GNOME
> Foundation can offer us, in some way. It would be as easy — and even easier
> — to open an account in US dollars. But all this have a cost in both money
> and time. An account at the bank cost a little bit of money. And we have to
> provide some papers each year to the government, and we need a proper
> accounting...
> So there is an association which I run and which has no website !
> Nonetheless it works and with this new project with OIF it will be running
> for months from now. I even have plans to use it next year for LGM —
> although I am still not sure of that but I am thinking of that...
> All this to say that if you think we need a better / nicer
>> I feel that the best way to convince is to start working on it.
>> So, let's go.
>> Have a nice day,
>> --yagraph
>> 2010/8/16 a.l.e <>
>> hi ginger,
>>> > > So we could create a magazine (available as PDF, and printed to
>>> > > people who want a paper edition, actually someone already started
>>> > > such a project, I think
>>> > > ?), or a booklet that could be send as "commercial" to companies, a
>>> > > book (either tutorial, or a "story" book with illustration created
>>> > > with our software).
>>> > > All done with free software. Then you can show the results to
>>> > > professional, and impress them. When I was a student, I
>>> > > participated in editing a student weekly newspaper, we managed to
>>> > > print in four colors using a two cylinders rotary printer, the
>>> > > seller was so surprised by the result that you could get
>>> > > with the machine, that he sent a few samples of our journal to the
>>> > > direction
>>> > > in Japan. This little story shows that if you do interesting
>>> > > things, you will
>>> > > get attention.
>>> > > There is already an impressive pool of artists using our software,
>>> > > lets pull
>>> > > them together to create material that display the power of our
>>> > > tools.
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > A great big +1 on the magazine. Just before LGM, Ricardo, Ana, Femke,
>>> > a.l.e. and I pulled together Libre Graphics Magazine #0. Since then,
>>> > I've been thinking seriously (as I plan workshops and talks for
>>> > artists and design students) about the value of doing such a magazine
>>> > more frequently. I think it would be a great vehicle around which to
>>> > build some user community, as well as a nice, professional public
>>> > show of what F/LOSS graphics software can do.
>>> >
>>> > So I'm game to pick up where we left off on the magazine, and willing
>>> > to add some editorial weight to the effort. If anyone else is
>>> > interested in working on it too, all the better.
>>> i'd like to produce a second number while being at .
>>> (mid september)
>>> the idea is to have the content mostly produced in advanced and having
>>> a small crew doing the magazine live at our booth.
>>> i'm not sure i will have founds to print it, so it may just be a PDF to
>>> put on the web.
>>> what do you think about it?
>>> could you image to have an active role even if not personally present?
>>> (no, i certainly won't have the budget to fly you to zurich! :-)
>>> ciao
>>> a.l.e
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> Louis Desjardins
> +1 514 994 9351 (Cell)
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