I have to say I like the more "beefy" look of Camille's work. Also the use of vibrant colors, yet keeping the text parts highly legible.


On 08/18/2010 07:51 PM, Robert Martinez wrote:

allow me to hop in here: some time ago I made a redesegin of the create page, but it didn't go online because neither jon nor I had the time to copy some stuff around on the server.
(it is just the current markup with new css + +images + @fontface)

  here is the html: http://mray.de/create/test.html
  here is a screenshot: http://mray.de/create/Screenshot.jpg

It misses quite some elements regarding the new content, but in terms of a new look I consider it to be a relevant option.

Supposed new stuff is added - what do you think?


On 08/18/2010 06:22 PM, Camille Bissuel wrote:
Hi all,

Let's try a design suicide by posting some sketchs on a creative peoples mailing list ;)

So, I've started to sketch this new website :

It's very hard to draw something meaningful for all projects, so I keep on abstract backgrounds (neutrals), and black and white titles and icons to let the eye focus on content.

If you feel to test it yourself or improve it, corresponding SVG (made in Inkscape 0.47) files are here : http://www.yagraph.org/images/create/ Backgrounds are generated thought ImageSpace <http://imagespace.sourceforge.net/>. Icons are a personal rework of the tango icon set. Fonts are Bitstream Charter and DejaVu Sans.

Index page is supposed to be the News or About page.

Stay one problem : I know how to transform thoses sketches in Web pages in Wordpress, but I'm not sure if I can achieve it with Anwiki or Mediawiki.

Please comment on content and design.
If needed to do not flood this mailing list, we may go on this discussion with a smaller set of volunteer peoples.

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