Woosh, what an honor ! Thanks for your support !

I can't speak for the magazine, but every help is welcome for the website,
especially for content set up and translations.
I'll be glad to provide visuals for the Create community, and from a
designer point of view, it's always a good idea to have some charter to base

But I don't what to bridle anyone creativity (on the magazine for example)
just because I'm the first one to provide something... furthermore LG
Magazine #0 was here first, and I didn't base my designs on it.

So, it really have to be a consensus, especially from the concerned


2010/8/19 Yuval Levy <creat...@sfina.com>

> I love Camille's visuals.  All of them.  I have a slight preference for the
> first link.  Only slight.
> Like a good bottle of Scotch, it's better half full than completely empty,
> and
> I would like to move forward on making it happen.
> What is important to me is what Cyrille mentioned: *consensus*
> And what Louis mentioned in the print/magazine context and which IMHO
> applies
> also to the web-presence, the conference, and anything else: *consistency*
> and
> *persistence*
> Whoever takes the initiative first has my vote.  Things have been
> *discussed*
> long enough, it is time to *decide* and *implement*.
> Can we get some form of *consensus* around Camille's visuals and live with
> them *consistently*, mostly unchanged for the next *five years*?
> If the answer is yes, I herewith motion to adopt Camille's visual as the
> visual identity of everything LG for the next five years.
> This should include LGM logo and identity.  I trust Camille to make sense
> of
> the mess of logos and websites that LGM had over the past five years and
> give
> us a web framework to live with for the next five.  The work and enthusiasm
> I
> have seen from him have convinced me, even if I never met him in person.
> I am supportive of the work being done on the magazine too, even if I have
> little to contribute, sorry.  I'd love to see it regularly published, and
> at
> the same time I agree with Ale's that there need to be space for special
> editions outside the regular cycle.  But within the same template / design.
> What is important for me in this context is, again *consistency*.  Develop
> a
> template / layout and stick to it for a while for both regular and special
> editions.
> If you need content for both web and magazine, ping me at <FIRST
> NAME>.ch and I'll try to free some time to contribute to your projects.  I
> can
> write up about digital photography in general and Hugin in particular.
> you have my support.
> Yuv
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