One other point about the website. Looks like the !lgm group is
attracting some persistent spammers. Which means that the feed on the
sidebar of the site looks pretty unpleasant.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Louis Desjardins <> wrote:

> 2011/3/10 Jon Nordby <>
>> On 10 March 2011 01:14, Schrijver <> wrote:
>> > Then, if all’s well, tomorrow you can all help by mailing/faxing the
>> press release to proper parties,
>> > and sharing the pledgie!
>> Yeah, when this is ready, we need the help of every person and project
>> to do this. Everyone who is coming or is involved with a project that
>> has people coming, please make sure it is mentioned on your personal
>> and project websites!
>> I will post on my blog, the MyPaint website, and try to pull some
>> strings to get a mention up on planet GNOME.
>> Boud, I know you'll have people there. Will you do a short story on
>> and make sure something ends up on planet KDE?
>> Scribus, Inkscape, GIMP, Sk1, Hugin, DigiKam, F-Spot, Nathive, Libre
>> Graphics World, do you have people coming and can do this? :)
> Yes! At this point in time it's important that all LG projects have LGM on
> their website. Don't be shy! :)
> Can't wait to see you guys in Montreal! :)
> Cheers!
> Louis
>> --
>> Jon Nordby -
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> Louis Desjardins
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