Am 29.04.11, 20:29 +0300 schrieb Pierros Papadeas:
We are trying to create a Remix of Fedora (our beloved Linux distro)
bundled with all the tools that will be used during the upcoming LGM.
The purpose of it is to be distributed at LGM 2011 as a reference
point for all participants that they want it and also to be used in
workshops during the event.

You can take a look at the OpenICC demo CD medium[1]. I created that
with the goal to instantly start into a colour corrected desktop. That feature might be of special interesst for artists, as it helps users in getting closer to the impression during artwork creation. The used software list can be found on the susestudio page [2]. All used packages exist in OBS and many as well for fedora.

I hope this will be of help for your medium.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

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