Relearn is a summerschool which welcomes persons, artists, students, teachers 
from all backgrounds and disciplines. Participants will gather to learn from 
and teach to each other, beyond the traditional paradigms of education.
Free, Libre and Open Source Software plays a fundamental role at Relearn, as it 
facilitates a different approach to the tools we commonly use in our practices 
and lives. For instance, it can allow us to understand the influence that tools 
themselves exert on the way they are used, or the different social relations 
and economies that are formed between who creates and uses them. Such a 
questioning approach to technology feels urgent, in a time in which more and 
more social, political and personal issues are addressed by solely 
technological means.
In continuation with the previous editions, Relearn will research convivial, 
experimental and deviant methods and means in the fields of design, computing 
and education, challenging the normal roles and separations in them 
(teacher/student, developer/user, art/life...).

On the website you can find additional information on some of the topics and 
sessions that will be part of the summerschool.

You are welcome to join Relearn from the 20th of August till the 25th. It will 
take place in Bruxelles, at Zinneke (

To participate, please send an e-mail to before July 
1st, including a few lines about your interest in the summer school, what you 
want to bring, what you hope to find.
CREATE mailing list

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