Hi all,

I represented LibreGraphics during the "swiss publishing days 2016" in 
Bern/Switzerland. I held two talks, one about the most important LibreGraphics 
programmes that are available on all major desktop platforms, and another one 
on professional business publishing with LibreOffice and Scribus.

In addition, LibreGraphics had a stand at the centre of the exhibition space, 
with a PC and a huge monitor. This was made possible by SUSE and its Swiss 
partner AdfinisSy Group. The PC provided every LibreGraphics package minus Xfig 
;) and a lot more on openSUSE 42.1 with KDE. I also provided access to GIMP 
2.9.5 on my laptop.

You can find two bad photographs of the conference stand (I know that my 
phone's camera is crap, but the device has other and more important qualities) 
under https://ibin.co/31XIV4twEWqv.jpg and https://ibin.co/31XInUzk4ASH.jpg.

Summary: We are definitely on the radar of creative professionals, including 
influential people who are working for the printing industry.

There will be more updates regarding the latter.

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