On Sat, May 16, 2020 at 6:41 PM Johann ELSASS wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> I would favor backward compatibility. In this case, it would be better to 
> keep the layer stack structure as it is and provide a PNG in all cases. New 
> features would be either attributes, nodes inside existing nodes, or other 
> XML files within the archive.
> To Alex: For the same reason, I am not in favor either of changing the format 
> of the images to EXR. Though as I side note, we can specify not to compress 
> PNG files within the archive, as PNG is already somewhat ZIP compressed. That 
> can improve speed a bit.

Ditching PNG in favor of EXR has nothing to do with speed and
everything to do with how you store pixel data.

Simply put, PNG is as much popular as it is an inferior file format.

> I am not sure what you mean by affine transformations as masks.

Think non-destructive rotation.

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