Le 18/02/2021 à 03:25, Dave Crossland a écrit :
> What was the result of the poll? :)


Sorry for the little delay to give the result of the poll.

We had answers from 34 people.

To the question "Would you consider attending a physical event if the
situation allows it ?",
exactly 50% answered yes, 50% answered no.

To the question "Would you be interested in an online event ?",
70% answered yes, 30% answered no.

Now, as the situation is still complicated, especially about traveling,
we are not sure if we should try to make an attempt of physical event.
We will probably just make an online event like last year.

Also we are waiting to solve some technical issues with the domain name
we use for the contact address on the website before launching a call
for presentation, but we hope to get it solved soon.


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