Dear all,

Following the Linked Conservation Data workshop and the last SIG in Crete I am summarising the problem of documenting non-existence.

An example of non-existence is: a book cover (a particular) without tooled decoration (a type).

Options for encoding:

1) As discussed here: , we could have a new E55 Type "books without decoration". This is a good solution but the problem is that we will need an unmanageable number of composite thesaurus terms to cover all possibilities, e.g. things without a feature, or types of events which did not happen etc.

2) In past SIGs we have mentioned negative properties. This is also a good solution but not quite in scope. A negative property requires particulars for domain and range. So I can say that:

cover(E22 Man-Made Object) → NOT P56 bears feature → tooled decoration(E25 Man-Made Feature)

This would mean that the specific book does not carry the specific decoration. But I want to say that the specific book does not carry any decoration.

3) So I pestered Carlo for a few days and he says:

"To express negative information in an ontology, it is recommended to use specific axioms. For example, to state that certain books have no decorations the axiom would require to create a special class for those books and to make that class a sub-class of the class expression 'individuals with less than 1 decorations'. This will require a class and an axiom to be created for each type of negative information to be expressed. But it has the advantage of using a standard OWL 2 DL inference engine to reason about that negative knowledge, both for maintaining consistency and for query answering."

So what Carlo thinks is that option 1 is reasonable and in fact instead of using simply a thesaurus, one should elevate these definitions to ontology classes and axioms.

I would be interested to hear views from the list, as I am not sure how to model such statements. Those of you who have looked at this in the past, do you get a sense of the scale for negation statements?

Thank you.


P.S. A parallel thought which did not capture Carlo's imagination was a "typed negative property", i.e. create new negative properties with E55 as range as in:

cover(E22 Man-Made Object) → NOT P56 bears feature of type → tooled decoration(E55 Type)

but I am not sure how this would translate to logic in an inference engine.
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