Dear all,

Is P181_has_amount really a useful property, compared to its super-property of 

They both take numbers, 181 is a subproperty of 90 just as 97 is a subclass of 
54. Their scope notes do not describe any semantic difference between them, as 
far as I can tell:

P90:  This property allows an instance of E54 Dimension to be approximated by 
an instance of E60 Number primitive.
P181:  This property establishes the relationship between an instance of E97 
Monetary Amount and the amount of currency, an instance of E60 Number, that it 
consists of.

As there is no specialization occurring, I do not believe that P181 is in any 
way different from P90 and thus we should just use P90 with Monetary Amounts 
and remove P181.

Many thanks!


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