?Hi Rob

It a very good idea to coordinate the workshops. Do you plan to have the 
workshop and the panel Saturday/Sunday before the conference?



From: Robert Sanderson <rsander...@getty.edu>
Sent: 13 February 2020 18:18
To: Christian-Emil Smith Ore; crm-sig
Cc: Delmas-Glass, Emmanuelle
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] workshop tutorials at CIDOC 2020: September 19-25, 2020?

Hi Christian-Emil, all,

While not a dedicated CRM workshop, the Linked Art WG plans to have an 
introductory panel session and subsequent workshop about our profiled use of 
CRM. If there is interest in aligning to avoid repeating very similar content, 
I'm happy to help coordinate.


From: Crm-sig <crm-sig-boun...@ics.forth.gr> on behalf of Christian-Emil Smith 
Ore <c.e.s....@iln.uio.no>
Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 11:19 PM
To: crm-sig <Crm-sig@ics.forth.gr>
Subject: [Crm-sig] workshop tutorials at CIDOC 2020: September 19-25, 2020?

Dear all,

The Board of CIDOC has its winter meeting  13-16 February. I participate as the 
CRM-SIG representative. One issue will bewg meetings and workshops tutorials. 
Does anybody plan or would like to  organize a CRM workshop/tutorial?

The dates and place:

CIDOC 2020: September 19-25, 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland



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