Dear All,

Here a declaration of interest to become CRM-SIG member:

The Laboratory of Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing, Department of Archive and Library Sciences, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece [] consists of computer scientists and information scientists, archivists and librarians, and focuses on information management and dissemination issues and their related technologies. The Laboratory fields of interest include digital information management, interoperability, digital libraries evaluation and personalized access to information sources. The laboratory personnel teaches several courses such as digital libraries, metadata, data bases, information systems, information retrieval and knowledge management. One of the laboratory main targets is to examine the new Semantic Web technologies and their relationship to information science, by studying fields such as ontology-driven metadata interoperability and integration. Our research team, has worked on ontology-based integration issues in the framework of DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries (a European Union funded human network). In detail, in one of our tasks we have worked on the creation of mappings to CIDOC/CRM ontology of two well-known metadata schemas:
•       Encoded Archival Description, which is an international standard for 
the archival description, and
• Dublin Core, which is a metadata standard for the description of a electronic resources. (In particular, we defined the mappings for the DCMI Type Vocabulary of Dublin Core that provides a general, cross-domain list of approved terms that may be used to identify the genre of a resource.) Given that we deal with information integration issues, especially in the cultural heritage area, we strongly believe that participating in the SIG of CIDOC/CRM, which is the most well-known ontology in the cultural heritage domain, will expand our research interests and activities. Moreover we consider that our participation in the Special Interest Group will give us the opportunity to broaden our collaborations with institutions that deal with relevant research issues, as well as to participate to the CIDOC/CRM development. Finally we are teaching CIDOC/CRM in a graduate course of our Department and therefore we are willing to disseminate the knowledge about the standard to the Greek information science community.
                                        Sarantos Kapidakis

Contact persons:
Lina Bountouri,
Christos Papatheodorou,

If there are any objections, please reply until June 15.




 Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |
 Principle Researcher          |  Fax:+30(2810)391638        |
                               |  Email: |
               Center for Cultural Informatics               |
               Information Systems Laboratory                |
                Institute of Computer Science                |
   Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   |
 Vassilika Vouton,P.O.Box1385,GR71110 Heraklion,Crete,Greece |
         Web-site:               |

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