Dear all,

this is great. So I'll throw in yet another OWL representation
that I have done in 2004 (and which it is a bit aged by now), for
discussion and comparison:

I agree with Martin's suggestion to nominate a coordinator and I'd
be happy if Günther Goerz would volunteer for this effort.

-- Detlev

P.S.: Apparently, this situation is not too unusual: The MPEG-7
community has managed to produce four or five OWL representations
of ISO 15938-5 largely independent of each other. And all of these
had even been described in journal and conference papers.
This is the information society at work ;)

Mika Nyman schrieb:
> Hello Guenther & others
> We have also done an OWL-implementation of the CIDOC-CRM 4.2 for our own
> use. We also have a separate version that includes the latest version of
> FRBRoo. Obviously I would be interested to participate in a co-operative
> effort to arrive to an official OWL rendering of CIDOC-CRM and FRBRoo.
> It might be a good idea to publish draft versions of our efforts on a closed
> wiki (=requiring login & authentication) and then have a mechanism for
> on-line annotation.
> We have used Protégé 3.2.1 in our work, so our version can be opened with
> Protégé. One option could be to distribute Protégé-versions and collect
> annotations in a wiki.
> Best regards,
> Mika
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  Synapse Computing Oy, Arabiankatu 2, 00560 Helsinki
>  +358-9-8569 9696 puh/tel
>  +358-9-8569 9595 fax
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
> Lähettäjä:
> [] Puolesta Guenther Goerz
> Lähetetty: 14. kesäkuuta 2007 1:35
> Vastaanottaja: martin
> Kopio:;;
> Guenther Goerz
> Aihe: Re: [Crm-sig] Re.: [crm-sig] cidoc 4.2 in owl + alignment
> Dear colleagues,
> a while ago I wrote to Aldo whether he will continue to work on an OWL
> version of the CRM aiming at an upgrade to version 4.2.  At that time
> he answered that he was not planning to do that and he sent me the
> results of his work on version 3.4.9 to use it for further development
> if we like to. I  talked to Martin about that, expressing our interest
> to pursue this issue further, but of course avoiding duplicate work.
> Martin said that he was not aware of any other group --- including
> FORTH ---- already implementing or planning to implement a new OWL
> version in the near future. So, we looked for a student and finally
> found one who started to work on with a new implementation of 4.2 in
> OWL as a study project several months ago.  Now, he is nearly finished
> and of course we will make the result of our work --- OWL code and
> documentation (in German, sorry) --- available to the community as
> soon as it is ready.  Furthermore, we are planning to present it at
> the Nuremberg workshop.  So,  I was a bit surprised by Aldo's  last
> message --- obviously communication in our community is sort of
> suboptimal.  Of course, I strongly support any effort to integrate
> everything what has been done so far. Perhaps we should use the
> Nuremberg workshop to set up a subgroup aiming at the implementation
> of a reference version 4.2+ in OWL; obviously there are several issues
> we have to agree on: problems in the current 4.2 document,
> representational alternatives, alignment with DOLCE, etc.
> Furthermore, we should nominate a coordinator to avoid duplicate work
> in the future.
> Best regards,
> -- Guenther
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Prof. Dr. Guenther Goerz            Fon: (+49 9131) 852-8701; -8702
> Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg            Fax: (+49 9131) 852-8986
> Institut f. Informatik 8/KI         goerz  AT
> Haberstrasse 2                      ggoerz AT
> D-91058 ERLANGEN
> On 6/13/07, martin <> wrote:
>> Dear Detlev, Aldo,
>> I would much appreciate such an effort. We at FORTH would clearly
> participate.
>> Who else would like to participate? PLEASE RESPOND.
>> I will put the idea on the issues list, and suggest to discuss details in
>> the CRM-SIG meeting Dec. 4-7 in Nuremberg.
>> Best,
>> martin
>> Detlev Balzer wrote:
>>> Aldo Gangemi wrote:
>>>> Dear CRM specialists, I'd like to point you at a new OWL version of
>>>> CIDOC 4.2, which I have produced for other purposes. It is based on the
>>>> official RDFS version, and besides the semantic translation, it only
>>>> includes a guess about the datatypes used in some CIDOC properties.
>>>> Please refer to file documentation for details (I've put it in a ftp
>>>> area of my lab, but if you find it useful, please copy it where
>>>> appropriate:
>>> I like the idea of expressing alignments between ontologies
>>> using OWL constructs such as equivalentClass.
>>> However, a straight automatic translation from RDFS to OWL misses
>>> the opportunity to formalize some of the (textual) definitions
>>> from the CIDOC CRM that cannot be expressed in RDF Schema.
>>> Wouldn't it be useful to include some more definitions (explicit
>>> and implicit) from the reference model? As an example, pairs of
>>> inverse properties are identified by the letters B and F appended
>>> to the numerical part of the property name. This is mnemonics for
>>> humans, but not easily processed by machines. However, it can
>>> easily be made processable by using the owl:inverseOf statement.
>>> There are further examples such as the disjointness of some
>>> classes (explicitly mentioned in the text) or the transitivity of
>>> some properties (e.g. P120F.occurs_before). One could go even further
>>> and declare P57F.has_number_of_parts as owl:FunctionalProperty,
>>> assuming that no instance of E19.Physical_Object can consist of
>>> different numbers of parts at a given time.
>>> How does the SIG think about a coordinated effort that would
>>> eventually result in an official OWL representation of the model?
>>> Some work has already been done and I think it shouldn't be too
>>> hard to reach a consensus on what to express in OWL language
>>> constructs, and what to leave out.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Detlev
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>> --
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>   Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |
>>   Principle Researcher          |  Fax:+30(2810)391638        |
>>                                 |  Email: |
>>                                                               |
>>                 Center for Cultural Informatics               |
>>                 Information Systems Laboratory                |
>>                  Institute of Computer Science                |
>>     Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   |
>>                                                               |
>>   Vassilika Vouton,P.O.Box1385,GR71110 Heraklion,Crete,Greece |
>>                                                               |
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