I think the use of "about" may be confusing  (at least to me).

I've got a vague feeling that there might be some benefit in

(a)  making explicit the quotational nature of the elements of a belief ,
in the way that the "(that <sentence>)" operator in IKL does.

(b) making explicit what may be inferred about what a Believer believes,
based on set of believed sentences.
Doxastic logics (logics about belief) have many of the same problems as
epistemic logics.

For example,
    if Fred believes that "P" and
       Fred believes that "Q"
   it may not be the case that Fred believes that "P and Q", even though
the latter is entailed by classical propositional logic.

CRM doesn't need the fancy stuff, but it might be good to make the rules a
little bit more explicit (this seems to be the direction the edit is

Cyc has the useful concept of the propositional content of a work, which
denoted the microtheory containing all the propositions expressed by the
work.  This seems to be close to what is being described here.

On Feb 3, 2015 7:54 AM, "martin" <mar...@ics.forth.gr> wrote:

>  Dear All,
> I'd like to revise:
> Scope note:        This class comprises the sets of formal, binary
> propositions that an I2 Belief is held about. It
>           could be implemented as a named graph, a spreadsheet or any other
> structured data-set.                                       Regardless the
> specific syntax employed, the effective propositions it contains should be
>                                          constituted  by unambiguous
> identifiers, concepts of a formal ontology and constructs of logic.
> On 2/2/2015 5:20 μμ, martin wrote:
> Dear All,
> CRM Inf I4 Proposition Set has the following scope note:
> Scope note:        This class comprises the sets of propositions that an
> I2 Belief is held about. It could be implemented as a named graph, a
> spreadsheet or any other structured data-set.
> I believe this is not clear enough in contrast to E89 Propositional Object.
> I propose:
> Scope note:        This class comprises the sets of formal, binary
> propositions that an I2 Belief is held about. It could be implemented as a
> named graph, a spreadsheet or any other structured data-set. Regardless
> the specific
> syntax employed, the effective propositions it contains should be
> constituted  by unambiguous identifiers and concepts of a formal ontology.
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>  Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |
>  Research Director             |  Fax:+30(2810)391638        |
>                                |  Email: mar...@ics.forth.gr |
>                                                              |
>                Center for Cultural Informatics               |
>                Information Systems Laboratory                |
>                 Institute of Computer Science                |
>    Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   |
>                                                              |
>                N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,             |
>                 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece               |
>                                                              |
>              Web-site: http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl           |
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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