On 18/2/2016 1:21 μμ, Дарья Юрьевна Гук wrote:
For example,
purshase can be during expedition (ethnography), there are money but way of acquisition - from expedition. And document of relations - between expedition and museum while monetary exchage was provided by mediator.

With kind regards,
Daria Hookk

Senior Researcher of
the dept. of archaeology of
Eastern Europe and Siberia of
the State Hermitage Museum,
ADIT board
Dear Daria,

Nice use case! Do you mean, the expedition is organized by the museum, and the expedition team bought objects from some people, or the expedition as a consortium sells to the museum? In both cases, an instance of Purchase, which is also an instance of Acquisition, can have additional
parties "caried out by" "in the role of" "Mediator"?




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