The sub classes of appellation, e.g. actor appellation and place appelletion 
were introduced in crm around 2001-2002. At that time there was a view that 
there were special characteristica for place name and actor names which made it 
possible to detect and differenciate  between them. This has been proven to be 
a not correct assumption​.

In pre industrial societies, at least in Norway, the name and the "address" 
were mixed.

The subclasse tree of E41 is

E41 Appellation
E42 - Identifier
E44 - Place Appellation
E45 - - Address
E46 - - Section Definition
E47 - - Spatial Coordinates
E48 - - Place Name
E49 - Time Appellation
E50 - - Date
E75 - Conceptual Object Appellation
E82 - Actor Appellation
E51 - Contact Point
E45 - - Address
E35 - Title

Do we really want to delete all but E35 Title, E45 Address and E47 Spatial 



From: Crm-sig <> on behalf of martin 
Sent: 02 August 2016 19:28
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] E82 Actor Appellation Issue

I also vote for complete removal, together with all others except for Title, 
address and coordinates

On 2/8/2016 11:30 πμ, Stephen Stead wrote:
The scope note and examples of E82 Actor Appellation do not clearly convey the 
idea that the appellation must be of a form that is characteristically an 
appellation of an actor. This is causing confusion in the user community.
One alternative is to retire E82 altogether and the other is to update the 
scope note.
I would vote for deprecation/retirement.

I have also suggested a new scope note and changed examples:-
E82 Actor Appellation
Subclass of:         E41 Appellation

Scope note:        This class comprises any sort of name, number, code or 
symbol characteristically used to identify an E39 Actor.

An E39 Actor will typically have more than one E82 Actor Appellation, and 
instances of E82 Actor Appellation in turn may have alternative 
representations. The distinction between corporate and personal names, which is 
particularly important in library applications, should be made by explicitly 
linking the E82 Actor Appellation to an instance of either E21 Person or E74 
Group/E40 Legal Body. If this is not possible, the distinction can be made 
through the use of the P2 has type mechanism.
§  “John Doe”
§  “Doe, J”
§  “the U.S. Social Security Number 246-14-2304”
§  “the Artist Formerly Known as Prince”
§  “the Master of the Flemish Madonna”
§  “Raphael’s Workshop”
§  “the Brontë Sisters”
§  “ICOM”
§  “International Council of Museums”

E82 Actor Appellation
Subclass of:         E41 Appellation

Scope note:        This class comprises any sort of name, number, code or 
symbol characteristically used to identify an E39 Actor. That is the very form 
of the name indicates that it is an appellation of an instance of E39 Actor.

An E39 Actor will typically have more than one E82 Actor Appellation, and 
instances of E82 Actor Appellation in turn may have alternative 
representations. The distinction between corporate and personal names, which is 
particularly important in library applications, should be made by explicitly 
linking the E82 Actor Appellation to an instance of either E21 Person or E74 
Group/E40 Legal Body. If this is not possible, the distinction can be made 
through the use of the P2 has type mechanism.
§   the U.S. Social Security Number “246-14-2304”
§  UK Company Number “2374216”
§  Leonardo da Vinci’s ULAN identifier “ULAN500010879”


Stephen Stead
Paveprime Ltd
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Purley, Surrey
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               Center for Cultural Informatics               |
               Information Systems Laboratory                |
                Institute of Computer Science                |
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