Thank you for your answers. To answer to Nicola, I indeed mean "residency" by "location".

As mentioned Franco, P74 has current or former residence does not allow time statement, which is required in my case.

However, as mentioned Stephen, the proper solution would be in E7 Activity and more precisely as I found this morning, E9 Move !

But I am wondering why P74 has current or former residence is not a shortcut of E9 Move ? As P107 has current or former member is a shortcut of E85 Joining ?

By the way, I always find it difficult to find inherited properties with the PDF of the model. Are you using a software to display all properties (direct and inherited) available for a given Class ?

Thank you,

Jean-Baptiste Pressac

Traitement et analyse de bases de données
Production et diffusion de corpus numériques

Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique
Unité mixte de service (UMS) 3554
20 rue Duquesne
CS 93837
29238 Brest cedex 3

tel : +33 (0)2 98 01 68 95
fax : +33 (0)2 98 01 63 93

Le 06/09/2016 à 18:31, Franco Niccolucci a écrit :
I would go for

P74 has current or former residence E53 place

which has domain E39 Actor, the superclass of your E74 and is thus inherited by E74.

Its scope note states:
"This property describes the current or former E53 Place of residence of an E39 Actor. The residence may be either the Place where the Actor resides, or a legally registered address of any kind."
which seems to be what you are looking for.
At first sight, no way to state the time span of such residence, untortunately.

Il martedì 6 settembre 2016, Jean-Baptiste Pressac < <>> ha scritto:


    This should not be the place for user questions, sorry for that.
    However, I am wondering how to declare with the CIDOC-CRM that a
    E74 Group (a company, a University, a craftman and his employees,
    a religious community, a books editor) occupied one or many
    locations (in a broader meaning : cities, buidings, states). I
    could declare that the E74 Group /P52 is current owner of/ one or
    more buildings (E22 Man-Made Object ?) which /P53 has former or
    current location/ E53 Place. But some groups do not own the
    buildings they occupy. What is more, are E22 Man-Made Object the
    only way to link E74 Group to E53 Place ?

    Thank you,

-- Jean-Baptiste Pressac

    Traitement et analyse de bases de données
    Production et diffusion de corpus numériques

    Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique
    Unité mixte de service (UMS) 3554
    20 rue Duquesne
    CS 93837
    29238 Brest cedex 3

    tel : +33 (0)2 98 01 68 95
    fax : +33 (0)2 98 01 63 93

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