Dear Richard,

Your comments have been discussed in the last SIG meeting.

Indeed, the fuzzy start and end of a Temporal Entity corresponds to upper and lower bounds for the properties P82a/P81a ('start of the beginning' and 'end of the beginning') and P81b/P82b ('start of the end' and 'end of the end'), . I.e. P82a < Astart < P81a and P81a < P81b and P81b < Aend < P82b.

The idea being, that once the boundaries are fuzzy, they cannot be determined exactly, but only be approximated.

In general, we cannot describe the begin and end as events or phases in their own right, because that would create an endless recursion. This is consistent with P81a < P81b. In cases such events exist, they should be modeled explicitly. Then, knowledge of end of the beginning event may indeed be after knowledge of the start of the ending event.

You said:
"I must say I'm not particularly convinced by the description of fuzzy boundaries as a 'gradual transition from not existing to definitely existing'. The sentence "They *do not* circumscribe the relation of incomplete or imprecise knowledge to reality." suggests that this is nothing to do with uncertainty over when a Temporal Entity started or finished, but I'm afraid I don't understand the meaning of 'circumscribe' in this context. It would be helpful if this sentence could be re-worded to make its intent clearer."

Please see the current version as decided in the minutes

The phrase has been changed to "The fuzzy boundaries do not describe the relation of incomplete or imprecise knowledge to reality."

It was decided to spell out all boundaries as A^start and A^end etc. for better reading.

Thank you for your contribution!


On 6/12/2016 1:47 μμ, Richard Light wrote:


Interesting proposal. Is the intention that the boundaries of the fuzzy start and end of a Temporal Entity correspond exactly to the concepts P82a/P81a ('start of the beginning' and 'end of the beginning') and P81b/P82b ('start of the end' and 'end of the end'), or are they something different?

I must say I'm not particularly convinced by the description of fuzzy boundaries as a 'gradual transition from not existing to definitely existing'. The sentence "They *do not* circumscribe the relation of incomplete or imprecise knowledge to reality." suggests that this is nothing to do with uncertainty over when a Temporal Entity started or finished, but I'm afraid I don't understand the meaning of 'circumscribe' in this context. It would be helpful if this sentence could be re-worded to make its intent clearer.

In Notation, the initial declaration should be A^s not A^start and ditto for A^end .

Best wishes,


On 2016-12-04 1:41 PM, martin wrote:

Dear All,

Here the final document to be discussed this week. Please check for any inconsistency or propose better wording.



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*Richard Light*

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