We'd also support this direction and the move to standardising RDF guidelines. 
The need for standardisation of technical representations and encodings of the 
CRM (particularly RDF) has been a recurrent theme in CRM workshops and papers 
oriented to implementation issues over the last 10 years (*). We can't really 
achieve interoperability without this. Encouraging particular communities with 
shared use cases (as in linked.art) to adopt a set of consistent patterns for 
mapping instance data to the CRM is also a necessary ingredient of practical 

Doug Tudhope and Ceri Binding
Hypermedia Research Group, University of South Wales

(*) eg workshops on CRM implementation issues

PS just seen Martin's concurrent reply to this thread and this is not taking 
issue with that, rather arguing that we can make significant progress by some 
basic implementation (RDF) extensions and mapping patterns, even though they 
will not solve all the problems
From: Crm-sig [crm-sig-boun...@ics.forth.gr] on behalf of Conal Tuohy 
Sent: 01 March 2018 03:02
To: George Bruseker
Cc: crm-sig (Crm-sig@ics.forth.gr)
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] Domain and range of P90

One of the "gaps" which puzzles me most is the example you give of encoding the 
string value of an Appellation. I understand the recommended practice is to 
attach the string value of a person's name using P3_has_note, or actually, 
using a custom subproperty of P3_has_note. The semantics of P3_has_note itself 
are weak; a note is simply an "informal description" of something, so if I have 
a particular name (an RDF resource) which P3_has_note the literal string "Conal 
Tuohy", then I should really define subproperties so as to be able to 
distinguish that string value from a note which really is nothing more than an 
"informal description" of that name e.g. "A very uncommon name of Irish 
origin". What puzzles me most about this "gap" in the RDFS specification is 
that the distinction between a note ABOUT a name, and the actual textual 
representation OF a name is somehow considered out of scope of the CRM in RDFS. 
It's puzzling, because the string value of a name is something which really 
must be encoded in a standard fashion, to achieve interoperability (as an 
aside, my personal view is that the string literal "Conal Tuohy" could be 
attached to an Appellation using the rdf:value or rdfs:label predicate defined 
in the RDFS spec). But the important thing is that the RDFS schema should 
stipulate how to attach this literal data rather than leave it as an open 
question. In general these are the kinds of issues which puzzle many people who 
approach the CRM from a position of having already worked with other RDF 
ontologies in the cultural heritage space, and find themselves wondering how 
they are supposed to make these details CRM work in RDF in an interoperable 
way, without having to pick and choose from a variety of techniques for 
"finessing" the gaps.

These kinds of gaps are serious barriers to interoperability in the Linked Open 
Data cloud, and they need to be addressed by agreeing on some encoding 
procedures that can be used consistently by different projects on the web. It 
would be helpful to CRM adopters in the Linked Data community if these gaps 
could be filled in a manner which is clear and simple and interoperable. I am 
not in favour of just offering a menu of possible approaches, especially where 
individual projects would have to make local customisations to their schema. If 
there is some particular value in multiple approaches, then they could be 
published as different "profiles" that encoders could simply adopt, as a whole. 
I think the recent effort by Richard Light (and other contributors) to collate 
guidelines on RDF encoding is a great initiative! 
 It deserves more input and I hope it will continue to be discussed on the 
list. I also think the Linked Art project http://linked.art/ with its "profile" 
of the CRM is another really good way forward.



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