Dear Robert,

As I pointed out in my message:

I said "just define precisely what you use it for", and "when a good community practice emerges".

I recommend NOT to recommend rdf:value, because RDFS 1.1 defines:
"5.4.3 rdf:value rdf:value is an instance of rdf:Property <> that may be used in describing structured values. rdf:value has no meaning on its own. "

As CRM-SIG, we cannot recommend a property without meaning. We do ontology here, so the must be a minimal ontological commitment. Are there other opinions?

Taken the above definition in RDFS 1.1, I question both, the precise use and the emerging good practice,
until better evidence:-).
Do you have better evidence?

It is up to crm-sig to decide, I present only my opinion here.



On 3/8/2018 6:28 PM, Robert Sanderson wrote:


Could you clarify why you have changed your mind about rdf:value?

> I recommend NOT to recommend rdf:value

In particular, in the last week you said:

“CRM-SIG normally works reactively: When a good community practice emerges, this is taken up.”


“Whatever the vast majority is  and rdf:value does the job, I have no objections to its use. Just define precisely what you use it for. We can add that to our guidelines. It is already standard rdf.”



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