Dear Richard,

Following the latest extensions of the scope note of E4 Period, a geopolitical entity is indeed regarded as a case (type, specialization) of E4 Period. Since E4 Period IsA E92 spacetime volume, its projection at some time or at all times is an E53 Place. See respective properties, they should covers all cases: P161, E93, P164.

So, multiple inheritance yes, but with E92, not E53.



On 5/11/2018 12:47 AM, Richard Light wrote:


I'm wanting to encourage a colleague to use a CRM-based approach to a geographical-themed project.  We're talking about geopolitical [and geographical] entities which have a known duration (e.g. 'Abingdon from the 17th century until local government reorganisation in 1974').

This could be modelled as a subclass of E4 Period, which neatly binds together the place and time aspects we want to record. Conversely it could be modelled as a subclass of E53 Place, which would allow us to express relationships between this entity and other geopolitical units using existing properties. I see that there are precedents in the CRM for declaring a class as being a subclass of two different classes (e.g. E45 Address).  However I am concerned about the fact that E4 Period already has 'place-ness' inherent in it.  Should I be worried? Are there any guidelines I should be looking at?

Many thanks,


*Richard Light*

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