Thanks for this!

Some small comments and questions below. 

> Am 22.11.2018 um 21:19 schrieb Martin Doerr <>:
> Dear All,
> Here my modifications:
> About Types
> Virtually all structured descriptions of museum objects begin with a unique 
> object identifier and information about the "type" of the object, often in a 
> set of fields with names like "Classification", "Category", "Object Type", 
> "Object Name", etc. All these fields are used for terms that declare that the 
> object belongs to a particular category of items.
Would ”category of things” be better English?

> In the CRM the class E55 Type comprises such terms from thesauri and 
> controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM 
> classes.  Instances of E55 Type represent concepts (universals) in contrast 
> to instances of E41 Appellation, which are used to name instances of CRM 
> classes.
> For this purpose the CRM provides two basic properties that describe 
> classification with terminology, corresponding to what is the current 
> practice in the majority of information systems. The class E1 CRM Entity is 
> the domain of the property P2 has type (is type of), which has the range E55 
> Type. Consequently, every class in the CRM, with the exception of E59 
> Primitive Value, inherits the property P2 has type (is type of).  This 
> provides a general mechanism for simulating a specialization of the 
> classification of CRM instances to any level of detail, by linking to 
> external vocabulary sources, thesauri, classification schema or ontologies.
> Analogous to the function of the P2 has type (is type of) property, some 
> properties in the CRM are associated with an additional property. These are 
> numbered in the CRM documentation with a ‘.1’ extension. The range of these 
> properties of properties always falls under E55 Type. Their purpose is to 
> simulate a specialization of their parent property through the use of 
> property subtypes declared as instances of E55 Type. They do not appear in 
> the property hierarchy list but are included as part of the property 
> declarations and referred to in the class declarations. For example, P62.1 
> mode of depiction: E55 Type is associated with E24 Physical Man-made Thing. 
> P62 depicts (is depicted by): E1 CRM Entity.
>  The class E55 Type also serves as the range of properties that relate to 
> categorical knowledge commonly found in cultural documentation. For example, 
> the property P125 used object of type (was type of object used in) enables 
> the CRM to express statements such as “this casting was produced using a 
> mould”, meaning that there has been an unknown or unmentioned object, a 
> mould, that was actually used. This enables the specific instance of the 
> casting to be associated with the entire type of manufacturing devices known 
> as moulds. Further, the objects of type “mould” would be related via P2 has 
> type (is type of) to this term. This indirect relationship may actually help 
> in detecting the unknown object in an integrated environment. On the other 
> side, some casting may refer directly to a known mould via P16 used specific 
> object (was used for).  So a statistical question to how many objects in a 
> certain collection are made with moulds could be answered correctly 
> (following both paths through P16 used specific object (was used for) - P2 
> has type (is type of) and P125 used object of type (was type of object used 
> in). This consistent treatment of categorical knowledge enhances the CRM’s 
> ability to integrate cultural knowledge.
>  Types, that is, instances of E55 Type and its subclasses, can be used to 
> characterize the instances of a CRM class and hence refine the meaning of the 
> class.  A type ‘artist’ can be used to characterize persons through P2 has 
> type (is type of).  On the other hand, in an art history application of the 
> CRM it can be adequate to extend the CRM class E21 Person with a subclass 
> E21.xx Artist. What is the difference of the type ‘artist’ and the class 
> Artist? From an everyday conceptual point of view there is no difference. 
> Both denote the concept ‘artist’ and identify the same set of persons. Thus 
> in this setting a type could be seen as a class and the class of types may be 
> seen as a metaclass.  Since current systems do not provide an adequate 
> control of user defined metaclasses, the CRM prefers to model instances of 
> E55 Type as if they were particulars, with the relationships described in the 
> previous paragraphs.
>  Users may decide to implement a concept either as a subclass extending the 
> CRM class system or as an instance of E55 Type. A new subclass should only be 
> created in case the concept is sufficiently stable and associated with 
> additional explicitly modelled properties specific to it. Otherwise, an 
> instance of E55 Type provides more flexibility of use. Users that may want to 
> describe a discourse not only using a concept extending the CRM but also 
> describing the history of this concept itself, may choose to model the same 
> concept both as subclass and as an instance of E55 Type with the same name. 
> Similarly it should be regarded as good practice to foresee for each term 
> hierarchy refining a CRM class a term equivalent of this class as top term. 
> For instance, a term hierarchy for instances of E21 Person may begin with 
> “Person”. 
> E55 Type is, besides others,
Uncelar to me.

Besides others what? Other interfaces? Or other CRM classes?

> the CRM’s interface to domain specific ontologies and thesauri or less formal 
> terminological systems.. Such sets of concepts can be represented in the CRM 
> as subclasses of E55 Type, forming hierarchies of terms, i.e. instances of 
> E55 Type linked via P127 has broader term (has narrower term). Such 
> hierarchies may be extended with additional properties. Other, in particular 
> richer, standard models to describe terminological systems, can also be 
> interfaced with the CRM by declaring their respective concept class as being 
> identical with E55 Type, and their respective broader/narrower relation as 
> being identical with P127 has broader term (has narrower term), as long as 
> they are semantically compatible.
> In addition to being an interface to external thesauri and classification 
> systems, E55 Type is an ordinary class in the CRM and a subclass of E28 
> Conceptual Object. E55 Type and its subclasses inherit all properties from 
> this superclass.  Thus together with the CRM class E83 Type Creation the 
> rigorous scholarly or scientific process that ensures a type is exhaustively 
> described and appropriately named can be modelled inside the CRM. In some 
> cases, particularly in archaeology and the life sciences, E83 Type Creation 
> requires the identification of an exemplary specimen and the publication of 
> the type definition in an appropriate scholarly forum. This is very central 
> to research in the life sciences, where a type would be referred to as a 
> “taxon,” the type description as a “protologue,” and the exemplary specimens 
> as “original element” or “holotype”.
> Finally, instances of E55 Type or suitable subclasses can describe universals 
> from type systems not organized in thesauri or ontologies, such as industrial 
> product names and types, defined and published by the producer himself
Please change to ”by the producers themselves” 

> for each new product or product variant.  

> -- 
> ------------------------------------
>  Dr. Martin Doerr
>  Honorary Head of the                                                         
>  Center for Cultural Informatics
>  Information Systems Laboratory  
>  Institute of Computer Science             
>  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   
>  N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,         
>  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece 
>  Vox:+30(2810)391625  
>  Email: <>  
>  Web-site: <> 
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