Dear Melanie,

I totally respect and like your position, but here I have been misunderstood completely:

I meant the discussion about gender neutral language may distract from discussing how to deal in reality with men and women not only as equals, but in deep mutual respect and actually doing it. Using "politically correct" language is not per se respecting, but just silencing.

I was impressed by

For German readers, she explains the difference between tolerance and respect.

See for instance:

"As one of the leading mathematicians of her time, she developed the theories of rings <>, fields <>, and algebras <>. In physics, Noether's theorem <> explains the connection between symmetry <> and conservation laws <>.^[4] <>"
"In 1932 Emmy Noether and Emil Artin <> received the Ackermann–Teubner Memorial Award <> for their contributions to mathematics.[70] <> The prize included a monetary reward of 500 Reichsmarks <> and was seen as a long-overdue official recognition of her considerable work in the field. Nevertheless, her colleagues expressed frustration at the fact that she was not elected to the Göttingen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften <> (academy of sciences) and was never promoted to the position of Ordentlicher Professor[71] <–73-73>[72] <–27-74> (full professor).[34]" <>

Her work is foundational to modern physics. Nevertheless, I have not heard her name in my studies at the university. I heard that her work was later partially attributed to male successors.

The CRM is intended to be factual. Representing provenance of knowledge may be a method to reveal such things. Replacing man-made by human-made is not.
Inclusivity is definitely a goal of the model, and an ethical discussion is not a distraction from "work".:-)

Anyway, I'll send out the Vote. By the way, any SIG member can issue a call for vote.^



On 4/23/2019 12:56 PM, wrote:
Dear all,

I strongly support Robert's suggestion, and thank him for making it.

To answer Martin, I do believe language awareness makes a difference in the real-world situation of men and women. And while it may be a distraction from the work (I totally get that inclusivity is not the /point/ of the model),

 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece

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