Dear All,

Here my rewriting of the scope notes of P11 and P12. It is a part of the most fundamental reasoning in the CRM, which may be formulated in FOL. Likelihoods of course not;-). Comments most welcome!


     P11 had participant (participated in)

Domain: E5 <#_E5_Event> Event

Range: E39 <#_E39_Actor> Actor

Subproperty of: E5 <#_E5_Event> Event. P12 <#_P12_occurred_in_the presence of (wa> occurred in the presence of (was present at): E77 <#_E77_Persistent_Item> Persistent Item

Superproperty of: E7 <#_E7_Activity> Activity. P14 <#_P14_carried_out_by (performed)> carried out by (performed): E39 <#_E39_Actor> Actor

E67 <#_E67_Birth> Birth. P96 <#_P96_by_mother_(gave birth)> by mother (gave birth): E21 <#_E21_Person> Person

E68 <#_E68_Dissolution> Dissolution. P99 <#_P99_dissolved_(was_dissolved by)> dissolved (was dissolved by): E74 <#_E74_Group> Group

E85 <#_E85_Joining> Joining.P143 <#_P143_joined_(was_joined by)> joined (was joined by): E39 <#_E39_Actor> Actor

E85 <#_E85_Joining> Joining.P144 <#_P144_joined_with_(gained member by)> joined with (gained member by): E74 <#_E74_Group> Group

E86 <#_E86_Leaving> Leaving.P145 <#_P145_separated_(left_ by)> separated (left by):E39 <#_E39_Actor> Actor

E86 <#_E86_Leaving> Leaving.P146 <#_P146_separated_from_(lost member by> separated from (lost member by):E74 <#_E74_Group> Group

P151 <#_P151_was_formed_1> was formed from: E74 <#_E74_Group> Group

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

Scope note:         This property describes the active or passive participation of instances of E39 Actors in an E5 Event.

It connects the life-line of the related E39 Actor with the E53 Place and E50 Date of the event. The property implies that the Actor was involved in the event but does not imply any causal relationship. The subject of a portrait can be said to have participated in the creation of the portrait.


§  Napoleon (E21) participated in The Battle of Waterloo (E7)

§ Maria (E21) participated in Photographing of Maria (E7)

In First Order Logic:

                           P11(x,y) ⊃ E5(x)

                           P11(x,y) ⊃ E39(y)

                           P11(x,y) ⊃ P12(x,y)


Scope note:         This property describes the active or passive participation of instances of E39 Actors in an E5 Event.

The known events in which an instance of E39 Actor has participated can be seen as stations of his course of life, his history. The E53 Place and E52 Time-Span where and when these events happened provide us with constraints about the presence of the related E39 Actor in the past. Collective actors, i.e., instances of E74 Group, may physically participate in events via their representing E21 Persons only. The participation of multiple actors in an event is most likely an indication of their acquaintance and interaction.

The property implies that the Actor was involved in the event but does not imply any causal relationship. For instance, someone having been portrayed can be said to have participated in the creation of the portrait.


     P12 occurred in the presence of (was present at)

Domain: E5 <#_E5_Event> Event

Range: E77 <#_E77_Persistent_Item> Persistent Item

Superproperty of: E5 <#_E5_Event> Event. P11 <#_P11_had_participant_(participated i> had participant (participated in): E39 <#_E39_Actor> Actor

E7 <#_E7_Activity> Activity. P16 <#_P16_used_specific_object (was used > used specific object (was used for): E70 <#_E70_Thing> Thing

E9 <#_E9_Move> Move. P25 <#_P25_moved_(moved_by)> moved (moved by): E19 <#_E19_Physical_Object> Physical Object

E11 <#_E11_Modification> Modification. P31 <#_P31_has_modified_(was modified by)> has modified (was modified by): E18 <#_E24_Physical_Man-Made_Thing> Physical Thing

E63 <#_E63_Beginning_of_Existence> Beginning of Existence. P92 <#_P92_brought_into_existence (was bro> brought into existence (was brought into existence by): E77 <#_E77_Persistent_Item> Persistent Item

E64 <#_E64_End_of_Existence> End of Existence. P93 <#_P93_took_out_of existence (was take> took out of existence (was taken out of existence by): E77 <#_E77_Persistent_Item> Persistent Item

E79 <#_E79_Part_Addition> Part Addition.P111 <#_P111_added_(was> added (was added by): E18 <#_E18_Physical_Thing> Physical Thing

E80 <#_E80_Part_Removal> Part Removal.P113 <#_P113_removed_(was> removed (was removed by): E18 <#_E18_Physical_Thing> Physical Thing

Quantification:    many to many, necessary (1,n:0,n)

Scope note: This property describes the active or passive presence of an E77 Persistent Item in an E5 Event without implying any specific role.

 It connects the history of a thing with the E53 Place and E50 Date of an event. For example, an object may be the desk, now in a museum on which a treaty was signed. The presence of an immaterial thing implies the presence of at least one of its carriers.


§  Deckchair 42 (E19) was present at The sinking of the Titanic (E5)

In First Order Logic:

P12(x,y) ⊃ E5(x)

P12(x,y) ⊃ E77(y)


Scope note: This property describes the active or passive presence of an E77 Persistent Item in an E5 Event without implying any specific role.

The known events in which an instance of E77 Persistent Item was present can be seen as stations of its course of existence, its history. For example, an object may be the desk, now in a museum on which a treaty was signed. The E53 Place and E52 Time-Span where and when these events happened provide us with constraints about the presence of the related E77 Persistent Item in the past. Instances of E90 Symbolic Object, in particular information objects, are physically present in events via at least one of the instances of E18 Physical Thing carrying them. Note, that the human mind can be such a carrier. A precondition for a transfer of information to a person or another new physical carrier is the presence of the respective information object and this person or physical thing in one event.

 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


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