Dear all,

I am forwarding some information regarding the SIG next week, that is very 
important for you to have. Thanks to Melanie for the preparation.

"As announced, the meeting will be held on the François-Mitterrand site, quai 
François Mauriac. We will be in the Leibniz meeting room, which is not the most 
convenient to access but will be equiped with an overhead projector and a wifi 

Entrance will be in Tower 1 (T1), at the junction of quai François Mauriac and 
rue Raymon Aron (see map attached). As access to the room is limited to staff 
only, you will have to be accompanied by people from the Metadata Department, 
who will be at the front desk each day from 9.15 to lead you to the meeting 

In order to be granted access to the building, attendees will need to be 
registered in the visitor database. I will register every attendee based on the 
spreadsheet that George sent on Saturday. If anyone plans to attend but hasn't 
filled out the spreadsheet by Friday evening, they must contact me directly so 
that I add them to the list, otherwise they will be denied access.
For security reasons, attendees will need to open all bags and luggage for a 
quick inspection at the front desk. Please take that into account when making 
your plans for the day.
Attendees will be asked to leave an identification document (of any kind, as 
long as there is a picture of you and your name on it) in exchange for a daily 
name-tag. They will be given their ID back when they leave the building at the 
end of the day (or whenever they feel like leaving, of course).

Finally, I think it is best if I give my mobile phone number, so that people 
can reach me if they have a problem with transportation or a change of plans or 
anything not going their way: +33 6 89 91 56 18. 

They can also call the Metadata Department Assistant : +33 1 53 79 59 01 / or 
+33 1 53 79 86 64.

Also, my personal email address is more reliable than my professional one these 
days, since there is once again a long week-end coming ahead, and you are sure 
to reach me here: <>.”

Looking forward to see you there. More from me soon.



Sign up here:

Dr. George Bruseker

Centre for Cultural Informatics
Institute of Computer Science
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
Science and Technology Park of Crete
Vassilika Vouton, P.O.Box 1385, GR-711 10 Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Tel.: +30 2810 391619   Fax: +30 2810 391638   E-mail:

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