Dear All,

Here more proposed scope notes for the redefined CLP properties:

*CLP43 **defines dimension (is defined for):*

Domain: F3 <#_F3_Manifestation_Product> Manifestation

Range: E54 <#_E54_Dimension_> Dimension

Quantification:      (1,n:1,1)

Scope note:           This property associates an instance of F3 Manifestation with an instance of E54 Dimension characterizing aspects of the symbolic content, such as word counts, or of the physical form foreseen for the exemplars carrying this F3 Manifestation, such as number of pages. In case the F3 Manifestation is an abstraction of a singleton item, the property may describe dimensions of the actual physical form the F3 Manifestation is abstracted from. This logical inference is an induction along the path that can be modelled as: F3 Manifestation R7i has example F5 Item P2 has type: E55 Type.

It can happen that a given exemplar, or subset of exemplars, originally produced, or intended to be produced, with that characteristic, accidentally lacks it. This fact should be recorded as a property of F5 Item, and not of F3 Manifestation.

Examples:             The publication entitled ‘Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: final report’, published by K. G. Saur in 1998, identified by ISBN ‘3-598-11382-X’ (F3) CLP43 defines dimension height (E54): P90 has value ‘24’ (E60) and P91 has unit ‘cm’ (E58)

The jigsaw puzzle entitled ‘Map of the New York city subway system’, designed by Stephen J. Voorhies and released around 1954 by the Union Dimes Savings Bank (F3) CLP43 defines dimension length and height (E54) P3 has note ‘46 x 29 cm’ (E62)

*CLP46 **defines material part (defines part for)*

Domain: F3 <#_F3_Manifestation_Product> Manifestation

Range: F3 <#_F3_Manifestation_Product> Manifestation

Quantification:      (0,n:0,n)

Scope note:           This property associates an instance of F3 Manifestation which prescribes that all its physical exemplars will contain as separatable parts an exemplar of the associated instance of F3 Manifestation. In case the F3 Manifestation is intended to be used and distributed in digital form, the property should describe the form in which a physical copy can be obtained. In case the F3 Manifestation is an abstraction of a singleton item, the property describes the actual physical form the F3 Manifestation is abstracted from. This logical inference is an induction along the path that can be modelled as: F3 Manifestation R7i has example F5 Item P2 has type: E55 Type.

Examples:             The publication product identified by ISBN ‘0618260587’ and consisting of a 3-volume edition of J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the rings’ (F3) CLP46 defines material part the publication product identified by ISBN ‘0618260595’ and consisting of an edition of J.R.R Tolkien’s ‘The two towers’ (F3)

The publication product issued by Deutsche Grammophon in 1998 and consisting of a recording of Richard Wagner’s ‘Der fliegende Holländer’ as performed in 1991 by Plácido Domingo, Cheryl Studer et al., and conducted by Giuseppe Sinopoli (F3) CLP46 defines material part the publication product consisting of printed programme notes and libretto with French and English translations (F3)

*CLP57 defines number of parts**
Domain: F3 <#_F3_Manifestation_Product> Manifestation Product Type

Range: E60 <#_E60_Number_1> Number

Quantification:      (1,1:0,n)

Scope note:           This property associates an instance of F3 Manifestation with an instance of E60 Number, which denotes the number of physical units all exemplars of that publication should consist of. In case the F3 Manifestation is intended to be used and distributed in digital form, the property should describe the form in which a physical copy can be obtained. In case the F3 Manifestation is an abstraction of a singleton item, the property describes the actual physical form the F3 Manifestation is abstracted from. This logical inference is an induction along the path that can be modelled as: F3 Manifestation R7i has example F5 Item P2 has type: E55 Type.

Examples:             The jigsaw puzzle entitled ‘Map of the New York city subway system’, designed by Stephen J. Voorhies and released around 1954 by the Union Dimes Savings Bank (F3) CLP57 defines number of parts 76 (E60)

The publication entitled ‘History of costume: in slides, notes, and commentaries’ by Jeanne Button, Patricia Quinn Stuart, and Stephen Sbarge, released by Slide Presentations (New York) ca. 1975 (F3) CLP57 should have number of parts 1,491 (E60) [Number of physical units of the exemplar held by the Gelman Library of the George Washington University, as observed by a cataloguer from the Gelman Library of the George Washington University when he/she catalogued that particular exemplar and recorded the statement: ‘1,491 slides in 14 slide trays + 6 ring binders in cases (30 x 29 cm.)’]

 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


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