Hi George,

one correction:
http://sparql.europeana.eu/ doesn't require an access key. The SPARQL endpoint 
is open to anyone.

And one addition:
https://foko-project.eu/api/ uses the Erlangen CRM as data model (however, 
don't be surprised by the fact that quite a bit of the triplestore is occupied 
by a copy of the AAT). This thing is based on the WissKi platform 
(http://wiss-ki.eu/ ) and contains metadata about buildings and monuments in 
Eastern Europe.


> George Bruseker <george.bruse...@gmail.com> hat am 1. Oktober 2019 um 12:39 
> geschrieben:
> Dear all,
> Here is a link to a spreadsheet wherein sparql end points with crm data
> available have been listed. I have been contact with as many providers as
>  i could directly. Further Matteo Lorenzini was able to add data from his
> research.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x15RRKpYLjXjz0hBLxHXOf7alBY2k4opU2ZqBaRjM2I
> Given that at the last meeting we decided to go ahead with this, here is a
> draft list. If you have more info, please add. If you think of other
> metadata we should collect be suggest. Hopefully we can move the issue to
> implementation through the next meeting.
> Best
> George
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