Dear all,

After our last meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG (25-28 February, 2020, Athens,
Hellenic National Committee of ICOM), we are very close to releasing a new
official, community version of CIDOC CRM (Version 7) which will enable the
release of official, community encodings of the standard taking into
account the significant development work that has taken place over the past
few years.

Several issues, however, have remained open which we hope to tie up as
efficiently as possible, especially engaging e-voting wherever possible to
speed up the process. Therefore, with this mail, I am sending you a number
of forms on which I would like to solicit your vote regarding several
proposed changes.

With regards to a proposed change, the possible votes are:

Yes = accept/agree
No = do not accept/agree
Other = With other you can either introduce a caveat (e.g.: 'Yes, but there
is a typo on word x, fix it.') or you can write VETO, if you wish to stop
the proposed change from happening, in which case you should also write a
justification (e.g.: 'VETO, this change is unacceptable because it violates
the following principle...')

In order to make vote counting easier, we have organised the vote questions
into google forms. We really appreciate you taking the time to support the
standard by contributing your voice.

Every CIDOC CRM class or property should be accompanied by at least one
illustrative example. Therefore, a number of new examples were drawn up to
fill in data for properties and classes that have been introduced but not
yet provided proper examples.

1 Miscellaneous Examples

Here a number of miscellaneous classes and properties have been bundled.
Please read the class/property scope notes and check the example and vote
if you accept/agree with the example.

2 Space Time Volume and Temporal Properties Examples

Significant innovation has occurred in the model regarding the use of space
time volumes and means for representing temporal relations. Please read the
class/property scope notes and check the example and vote if you
accept/agree with the example.

3 Presence Class and Related Properties Examples

The Presence class and its related properties, as a specialisation of STV,
are another important addition to the standard for which examples have been
generated. Please read the class/property scope notes and check the
examples and vote if you accept/agree with the example.

4 New property for Presence Class

In the elaboration of the above examples, it was proposed that it may be
desirable/necessary to introduce a new property to the presence class which
allows the documentation of the relation between an instance of E93
Presence and an instance of E53 Place. Therefore, this form allows you to
vote on a) if the new property should be introduced, b) if you accept the
proposed scope note and c) if you accept the various examples.

These votes are called on April 16, 2020 and the voting period will last
until April 30, 2020. Thank you again for your participation in this
process. As we experiment with new ways to efficiently manage SIG matters
with online tools, we are of course happy to have feedback on the
process/tools (good or bad).


George Bruseker
Crm-sig mailing list

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