Here are the annotated guidelines that we came up with over about 10 years
of trying different styles across several projects.

   - Colored ovals for resources, with the URI slug within the oval. The
   color is an indication of the sort of resource, but is not the only source
   of the information (re color blindness)

Ovals are important because they give enough space to have text within
them, without taking up too much vertical space. Also enough room to have
multiple lines leading in and out.
Colors are important for most people to see patterns, but need to be
careful of accessibility.

   - Boxes for classes.

But not everything should be boxes, or it looks very square and blocky. The
distinction between class and instance is important, and easy to see with

   - Lozenges for literals. Put strings in ""s inside the lozenge to
   distinguish from numbers, dates, etc.

Lozenge has enough horizontal space, without looking like a stretched class.

   - Black lines with arrows between shapes to establish the connections,
   with labels centered on or above the line.


   - Able to be generated and laid out automatically in a non-terrible way

When you have a lot of diagrams, this becomes important!

We tried having hollow arrow heads for type and filled arrow heads for
other properties, but the distinction is clearer with the class being a box
so we removed it.
We never ran into a need for colored lines or line labels, as the colors
are too subtle to distinguish, so black is better for a11y.

The colors of the ovals should be consistent. We've tried to align across a
few projects now:
  Time:  blue
  Actor: red
  Conceptual: yellow
  Physical: brown
  Place: green
  Data: grey
  Digital: Purple
  Class box:  white

(Scroll down a little past the JSON -- this is generated automatically from
the RDF)  (This is
generated by hand in Omnigraffle)

You can see the evolution of this:

Evolved to:
Evolved to:
Evolved to:
Evolved to the above.



On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 6:49 AM George Bruseker <>

> Dear all,
> In the context of Issue 457
> We are looking to create style guides for the CRM SIG on how to formulate
> the diagrams that will go in the documentation (e.g. publication of the
> standard, web publications etc.). The goal is to create consistent looking
> documentation that is easily accessible to the CIDOC CRM audience (domain
> specialists, developers, ontological modellers etc.) This would be an
> effort to both create a clean and consistent look for the representations,
> to lower barriers to understanding/adopting CRM, and to more efficiently
> produce this documentation.
> Currently we are looking to put together proposals on the possible
> parameters of the style guide, such as which kinds of arrows to use for
> general properties, for IsA property, which kinds of boxes/bubbles to use
> for classes and instances etc.
> If you have best practice in mind that should be taken into account, can
> you please share to the list. We will take on board what is shared and make
> a proposal of different possibilities for voting on by the SIG membership.
> All best,
> George
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