Hi All,

This may well be the right approach, but I had a general point about these 

But it would be useful to know the rationale behind them in the first instance. 
It occurred to me that perhaps the CIDOC-CRM needs to have some kind of 
knowledge base around it that points to the empirical work that led to the 
property in the first place so that we understand the origins of something. So, 
it could be that items were, in hindsight a mistake - that they are just 
vocabulary not ontology and not justified by practice, that they are borderline 
and there is a case for rationalisation, or that there is a change of approach 
to these items.
From: Crm-sig <crm-sig-boun...@ics.forth.gr> on behalf of Robert Sanderson 
Sent: 03 March 2021 20:49
To: crm-sig <Crm-sig@ics.forth.gr>
Subject: [Crm-sig] Issue 519: Homework to propose deprecation of P48, P54

Dear all,

Thanks to Eleni for sending out the agenda and thereby reminding of our 

The proposal is to deprecate two properties, P48 has preferred identifier and 
P54 has current permanent location, following on from the conclusion of the 
discussion around the proposed property of 'has current permanent custodian' in 
issue 473.

As I recall it, the rationale for not adding 'has current permanent custodian' 
was not that the property did not make sense (it did) and not that it was not 
useful (it is), but that it was not necessary to add, as it is possible to add 
a classification to the activity that has the result of the transfer of 
custody, as to whether it is temporary or permanent.

The consequence of this was a (brief) examination of the specification for 
other properties where this pattern would be applicable, with the obvious 
deprecation candidates of P48 and P54.
The remediation pattern for P48 would be to add P2_has_type to the E41 
Identifier to indicate preferred-ness, or the E13 attribute assignment / E15 
Identifier Assignment of the identfier to the identified entity.
The remediation pattern for P54 would be to add a P2_has_type to the E9 Move to 
the location, in the same way that the resolution for 473 was to add 
P2_has_type to the Transfer of Custody.

The proposal should be considered separable -- not accepting the deprecation of 
P48 is not grounds for not accepting the deprecation of P54.


Rob Sanderson
Director for Cultural Heritage Metadata
Yale University
Crm-sig mailing list

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