
> Am 02.07.2021 um 13:29 schrieb E. Tsoulouha via Crm-sig 
> <>:
> Dear all,
> According to the decision for issue 535 in the 50th CIDOC CRM SIG meeting, 
> the first example of Pxx represents instance of type should be reformulated 
> in order to capture the fact that the thing represented is an unnamed 
> instance of a particular type --which means that the representation 
> illustrates the characteristics of one particular individual, rather than 
> features normally associated with a specific type of thing.
> The vote is to decide on whether to accept the example, following Martin's 
> reformulation.
> Example:
> The top right image on page 87 in the book 'Pharaoh's Birds' by John Miles 
> (E36) represents instance of type hoopoe (Upupa epops) (E55). 
> [This image is a reproduction of a photograph. The same book shows at the top 
> of page 35 an image representing an unnamed ancient Egyptian relief depicting 
> a hoopoe and other 'Birds of the Marshes'. In contrast to the photograph, the 
> latter image of the ancient Egyptian depiction shows intentionally typical 
> rather than individual characteristics of the respective species, and 
> therefore should be associated with the property P138 represents with the 
> species name hoopoe (Upupa epops)]. (Miles, 1998)
> [* citation here: Miles, J. (1998) Pharaoh’s Birds. A guide to ancient and 
> present-day birds in Egypt. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press. 
> ISBN 977 424 490 7]
> The possible votes are:
> * Yes = accept/agree
> * No = do not accept/agree
> * Other = With other you can either introduce a caveat (e.g.: 'Yes,
> but there is a typo on word x, fix it.') or you can write VETO, if you wish 
> to stop the proposal, in which case you should also write a justification and 
> reformulate the issue (e.g.: 'VETO, this change is unacceptable because it 
> violates the following principle...')
> Please send your e-votes by the 18th of July.
> All the best,
> Eleni
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