Following on this helpful new iteration of the thought by Martin maybe a
phrasing like 'in distinction to facts established directly through / at
the level  of material physical processes and interactions' is more
expressive of the content/intent?

On Thu., Feb. 3, 2022, 11:52 p.m. Martin Doerr via Crm-sig, <> wrote:

> On 2/2/2022 10:36 PM, Francesco Beretta via Crm-sig wrote:
> Dear Martin,
> Thank you for your message and comments.
> The sentence in question is not the happiest, and George and myself were
> not totally satisfied with the wording but it was necessary to send the
> homework to the SIG. We can of course reword it and a refomulation that is
> certainly also not the best one but expresses the same sense could be:
> " For facts which are established by convention as opposed to facts
> observed in an objective manner
> sure, should be something like the material process characterizing the
> events,
> Take an exemple. I organize a garden party and all my friends and guests
> are happy. But there’s a major difference if I do this privately in 2019 or
> if I’m a prime minister and there’s a COVID pandemic and I just imposed
> restrictive measures on the whole population of my country. The [objective
> / spatio-temporal] observed fact is the same, a crm:E5 garden party, but
> the social ‘facts’ arount it —my social function, the law establishing that
> garden parties are not allowed, etc. etc.— add a social overlay to the
> event which —for humans living in society— changes everything and has
> totally different consequences. CRMbase is concerned with objective
> spatio-temporal facts (from E4 Period downward this is the substance of
> facts : “This class comprises sets of coherent phenomena or cultural
> manifestations occurring *in time **and space*.”)
> On the other hand, social facts are situated in another space that could
> be called the intentional-temporal, that is to say, the space of phenomena
> specific to human societies observed through the filter of their
> conventions or collective representations. There is no opposition but a
> perfect articulation because the social is grafted onto the spatio-temporal
> (or the physical and biological) but adding an overlay that allows
> different groups of humans to interpret the same ‘objective’ fact as being
> two quite different situations: a totally normal and a big problem.
> But I propose to discuss all this, as you proposed earlier, in person at a
> live, even if digital, meeting.
> Best
> Francesco
> Le 02.02.22 à 20:11, Martin Doerr via Crm-sig a écrit :
> Dear Francesco,
> I find this text very well written and clear. My only question is, why:
> " For facts which are established by convention as opposed to pure
> spatio-temporal facts,"
> I do not see ground in the CRMbase, and the methodology applied, to regard
> that facts which are described in the CRM are "pure spatio-temporal", even
> if some of the classes and properties applied may describe only a
> spatiotemporal confinement. The CRM is very clear that the substance of
> Temporal Entities is not space-time.
> Further, respective facts you describe would be based on human activities,
> and E7 is defined explicitly as being intentional in substance.
> Finally, and most important, there seems to be a misunderstanding of CRM
> descriptions in general: no classification and properties of the CRM are
> exhaustive or "pure" in any sense. This is also the major idea behind
> multiple instantiation, and open world. Describing an item in terms of CRM
> does not make any statement what else it is not, except for a few
> definitely disjoint classes.
> Since this is a key concept of the CRM, part of the principles, it should
> be discussed. To my understanding, no extension can be characterized as
> "opposed to" another, it would violate its logical foundations.
> All the best,
> Martin
> On 2/1/2022 2:13 PM, Francesco Beretta via Crm-sig wrote:
> Dear all,
> Please find in attachment the homework of George Bruseker and myself
> concerning "Issue 580: CRMsoc redefinition of scope" for presentation at
> the next SIG.
> All the best,
> Francesco
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> ------------------------------------
>  Dr. Martin Doerr
>  Honorary Head of the
>  Center for Cultural Informatics
>  Information Systems Laboratory
>  Institute of Computer Science
>  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
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> ------------------------------------
>  Dr. Martin Doerr
>  Honorary Head of the
>  Center for Cultural Informatics
>  Information Systems Laboratory
>  Institute of Computer Science
>  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
>  N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
>  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
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