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Zoe Schubert

Am 26.03.2022 um 21:44 schrieb Pat Riva via Crm-sig <>:

> Yes
> Pat Riva
> Acting University Librarian / Bibliothécaire en chef par intérim
> Concordia University / Université Concordia
> 1455 de Maisonneuve West, LB-331
> Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8
> Canada
> From: Crm-sig <> on behalf of Christian-Emil 
> Smith Ore via Crm-sig <>
> Sent: March 21, 2022 7:24 AM
> To: crm-sig <>
> Subject: [Crm-sig] E-vote for scope note part of issue 294 (CRMarchaeo)
> Dear all,
> As the issue number indicates issue 294 has been with for a while.   
> In the 49th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and SO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 42nd FRBR 
> – CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, the sig accepted MD's proposal to change 
> the quantification of  appears in, restricted to, typical for to 
> many-to-many, as well as redraft their scope notes. The properties will be 
> assigned the following AP numbers: 
>       •       AP29 appears in
>       •       AP30 restricted to
>       •       AP31 typical for
> The new scope notes are working definitions. The relations among types (issue 
> 407)  be taken into account, together with skos and other standards.
> HW: SdS to edit them.
> The edited version of the scope notes can be found here (and copied in a the 
> end of this email:
> You are invited to vote on the scope note texts (not the name of the inverses 
> which will be a separate e-vote)
> YES if you accept the edited texts
> NO if you don't accept the edited texts
> VETO if you think a e-vote is not ok at the current state
> The voting is open until 4th April.
> Best,
> Christian-Emil
> 294: E55 Type relations
> The SdS edits. The original text is highlighted in Yellow to make it easier 
> to follow the differences.
> AP29 appears in
> Domain: E55 Type
> Range: E4 Period
> Subproperty:
> Quantification: many-to-many (0,n:0,n)
> Scope note: This property associates a kind of object (documented as an 
> instance of E55) to an instance of E4
> Period for indicating that objects of this kind have been generated within 
> this period. The
> generation of such objects may be the result of human, biological, geological 
> or other processes.
> This property makes a weak statement with regards to the distribution of the 
> class of object in the
> archaeological record, but also in geological or paleontological 
> observations: If the genesis of an
> object of this type can plausibly be assumed to fall within the genesis of 
> the context in which it
> was found, then the statement made with this property would support 
> reasoning, ceteris paribus,
> that the genesis period of the find context forms part of or overlaps with 
> one of the instance of E4
> Period in which the respective object type has appeared.
> Stronger claims can be made using ‘typical for’ and ‘restricted to’ 
> properties.
> AP29 appears in
> Domain: E55 Type
> Range: E4 Period
> Subproperty:
> Quantification: many-to-many (0,n:0,n)
> Scope note: This property associates a kind of object (documented as an 
> instance of E55 Type) with an
> instance of E4 Period indicating that objects of this kind have been brought 
> into existence during
> this period. The genesis of such objects may be the result of human, 
> biological, geological or other
> processes.
> This property makes a weak statement about the distribution of the associated 
> object kind in the
> archaeological record: that is, if the genesis of an object of the type can 
> plausibly be assumed to
> fall within the genesis of the context within which it was found, then this 
> property supports
> reasoning, ceteris paribus, that the genesis period of the context forms part 
> of, or overlaps with,
> one of the instances of E4 Period in which the respective object type has 
> appeared. Such weak
> statements may also be useful in the context of geological or paleontological 
> observations.
> Stronger claims can be made using the properties AP30 restricted to and AP31 
> typical for.
> AP30 restricted to
> Domain: E55 Type
> Range: E4 Period
> Subproperty: appears in
> Quantification: many-to-many (0,n:0,n) 
> Scope note: This property associates a kind of object (documented as an 
> instance of E55) to an instance of E4
> Period for indicating that objects of this kind have exclusively been 
> generated in this period.
> This property makes a strong statement concerning the distribution of the 
> kind of object in the
> observation record: If the genesis of an object of this type can plausibly be 
> assumed to fall within
> the genesis of the context in which it was found, then the statement made 
> with this property would
> support reasoning, ceteris paribus, that the genesis period of the find 
> context actually forms part of
> the related instance of E4 Period, or at least overlaps with it.
> In contrast, objects from previous periods may appear in a context because 
> they are still in use,
> and objects from later periods may have been pushed into an older context.
> Weaker claims can be made using the properties ‘typical for’ and ‘appears in’.
> In First Order Logic:
> […]
> AP30(x,y) ∧ AP30(x,z) ⇒ P132(y,z)
> AP30 restricted to
> Domain: E55 Type
> Range: E4 Period
> Subproperty: AP29 appears in
> Quantification: many-to-many (0,n:0,n) 
> Scope note: This property associates a kind of object (documented as an 
> instance of E55 Type) with an
> instance of E4 Period indicating that objects of this kind have been 
> generated exclusively in this
> period.
> This property makes a strong statement concerning the distribution of the 
> associated object kind in
> the observed record: If the genesis of an object of this type can plausibly 
> be assumed to fall within
> the genesis of the context in which it was found, then the statement made 
> with this property would
> support reasoning, ceteris paribus, that the genesis period of the find 
> context actually forms part of
> the related instance of E4 Period, or at least overlaps with it.
> In contrast, objects from previous periods may appear in a context because 
> they are still in use,
> and objects from later periods may have been displaced into an older context.
> Weaker claims can be made using the properties AP29 appears in and AP31 
> typical for.
> In First Order Logic:
> […]
> AP30(x,y) ∧ AP30(x,z) ⇒ P132(y,z)
> AP31 typical for
> Domain: E55 Type
> Range: E4 Period
> Subproperty: AP29 appears in
> Quantification: many-to-many (0,n:0,n) 
> Scope note: This property associates a kind of object (documented as an 
> instance of E55 Type) to an instance
> of E4 Period for indicating that objects of this kind have been generated in 
> this period in
> significantly higher numbers and wider distribution, than in other periods.
> This property makes a moderate statement concerning the distribution of the 
> kind of object in the
> observation record: If a sufficient number of objects of this type are found 
> in some context, and
> their genesis can plausibly be assumed to fall within the genesis of the find 
> context, then the
> statement made with this property would support reasoning, ceteris paribus, 
> that the genesis period
> of the find context is likely to forms part of the related instance of E4 
> Period, or at least overlaps
> with it. “Sufficient number” means that the density of objects of this kind 
> in the find context is
> compatible with the general density this kind of object had in the respective 
> period in comparable
> contexts and deposition history.
> A stronger claim can be made using ‘restricted to’ while a weaker claim is 
> made using ‘appears
> in&#39;.
> AP31 typical for
> Domain: E55 Type
> Range: E4 Period
> Subproperty: AP29 appears in
> Quantification: many-to-many (0,n:0,n) 
> Scope note: This property associates a kind of object (documented as an 
> instance of E55 Type) with an
> instance of E4 Period indicating that objects of this kind have been 
> generated in this period in
> significantly greater numbers and in wider distributions, than in other 
> periods.
> This property makes a moderate statement concerning the distribution of the 
> associated object
> kind in the observed record: If a &quot;sufficient number&quot; of objects of 
> this type are found in a context,
> and their genesis can plausibly be assumed to fall within the genesis of the 
> find context, then the
> statement made with this property would support reasoning, ceteris paribus, 
> that the genesis
> period of the find context is likely to form part of the related instance of 
> E4 Period, or at least
> overlap with it. “Sufficient number” means that the density of objects of 
> this kind in the find
> context is compatible with the general density that this kind of object had 
> during the associated
> period in contexts of a comparable nature and deposition history.
> A stronger claim can be made using AP30 restricted to while a weaker claim 
> would use AP29
> appears in.
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